Mangalore / Udupi, 28 October 2010: Coastal Security Police, under its Sagar Raksha Kavach operation, on Thursday conducted a 36 hour mock drill to foil a terrorist attack in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts. Under the programme, CSP assigned the job of foiling the possible terrorist attack on various points in Mangalore and Udupi including City Centre, Thokkottu junction, Srikrishna Temple, Udupi and the Manipal University building, a five kilometer away from Udupi city, to the local police.
Police in all the police stations of the twin districts were involved in the mock operation. Entry of vehicles including city buses to Malpe bus stand was denied for some time. Armed police personnel deputed on the key spots and in mobile squads were seen along the Malpe - Udupi - Manipal road, creating a panic among the people.
Tight police security was also provided to Srikrishna Temple. Naakabandi was also carried out at many points. The mock drill also witnessed the Padubidri police taking in to custody four persons in the guise of terrorists, traveling in an Indica car, at the Hejamdi checkpost.