CESU Team visits Mount Rosary English Medium School, Santekatte

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Bellevision Media Network

Udupi, 02 Jul: Since the commencement of new Academic year 2024-25, in June, CESU (Catholic Education Society of Diocese of Udupi) has started to pay official visits to the various Educational Institutions under its Management.


Today, on 2nd July, 2024, it organised to visit and meet Students, Teachers and Management of one of its largest English Medium High School – Mount Rosary English Medium School at Santhekatte – Kallianpur.


At sharp 9.00 am the team led by Very Rev Fr Vincent R. Crasta, the Secretary of CESU arrived to the School Campus and escorted to the adjacent spacious Millennium Hall along with the parish priest and Correspondent Rev Dr. Roque DSouza, Prof P. Archibald Furtado, Member – CESU Governing body accompanied with Headmistress Sr Ancilla R DMello. The auditorium already filled with more than 1500 students, gave a standing ovation to welcome the team to the stage.


Rev Dr Roque DSouza in his introductory message explained the significance of these visits by the management which run around 36 Institutions under its belt. ‘It’s an opportunity to introspect ourselves and improve further… ‘ and expected that today’s whole day’s programme of evaluation, all success.

CESU Secretary V. Rev Fr Vincent Crasta, briefed the organisational set up of CESU which was formerly known as CBE in the undivided Dist of DK and beyond with 340 Schools, Colleges, Technical Institutes etc spread from Byndoor to Kasargod and even in distant Bidar…..At the outset he expressed his joy to be with tiny tots to Class X students today as he meet them personally in their respective class room. He specially made it a point to congratulate the Class X students for 100% results – hard work of HM and her dedicated team of teachers….!


The day long busy schedule included meetings and interactions with HM, Teaching, Non Teaching staff, the Correspondent on the one hand and verifications of various documents and records of the School , Students and Staff  on the other - which were mandatory, also ascertaining the feedback from the students, an opportunity to express their views and suggestions etc.


Around 4.45 pm as the time to wind up, CESU Secretary has all praises for meticulous arrangements and more specifically maintenance of neat and clean Classrooms, Campus, Play ground, other infra structure facilities etc, an ideal atmosphere for quality learning, in this 27 years young and prestigious institution, visibly in the service of economically poor and middle classes offering them quality education at affordable cost.

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