Doha: MCC Qatar conducts 27th Annual General Meeting
By Jerald DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Doha, 29 Aug: Mangalore Cricket Club (MCC) Doha-Qatar, conducted its 27th annual general meeting on August 23 at the Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) Mumbai Hall.
Shaila Menezes, joint cultural secretary, compere of the programme, opened the evening with an introduction and welcomed the gathering. Ryan Renjar, sports secretary, invoked God’s blessings on the programme and all members with an opening prayer. The executive committee of 2018-20 led by president Sunil D’Silva was invited to the dais.
Naveen D’Souza, the general secretary was invited to present the annual report of the club to the members for the term 2018-19. The detailed general report on the club’s activities was readout. The treasurer, Ashith Rodrigues, read out the financial report which was appreciated by all as the club is in good standing.
Sunil D’Silva addressed the gathering by appreciating all the efforts put in by the advisors, executive committee and its members in putting up so many successful programmes. He identified MCC as one of the first clubs that was affiliated under the Indian Cultural Centre having good strength in numbers. He also said that MCC is the first Karnataka based Club in Qatar and has a very good standing in the Indian Community in Qatar. He called all members to show strength in numbers whenever there is an event organized by the Indian Embassy or the Indian Cultural Centre. He thanked and appreciated all advisors and members for making MCC the top contributor among all Karnataka based clubs towards the Kerala Kodagu Flood Relief Fund and urged members to keep the spirit of brotherhood and helpfulness through such deeds. He urged members to introduce new members to the club thus bringing in an opportunity for fellow Mangalureans to showcase their talents and make MCC known. He announced the forthcoming activities of the club namely Monthi Feast on September 13 and Ladies Throwball Tournament to be held in November.
Small question-answer session time was allotted for members to ask any queries or make any suggestions. Vivian D’Souza, past president of MCC suggested members to introduce all the families that are new to Qatar to be introduced to the club and make them members of MCC. Under the guidance of Vivian D’Souza, MCC has introduced and formed a committee for hospital ministry on Fridays. The ministry aims to visit the sick, targeting those who have no caregivers here in Qatar, spend some time with them and helping them in all possible ways. Several members have voluntarily given their names and have joined the committee.
The official programme was then followed by a short cultural programme and some interesting spot games. George Menezes and Arthur Serrao enacted a joke and charmed the audience with their humour. There as a lucky draw conducted for all those who attended the AGM which was won by Frederick D’Souza.
Veronica Baretto, member of the subcultural committee rendered the vote of thanks. The AGM ended on a joyful note with the members’ group photograph and some delicious snacks.