Condolence Meet (Shradanjali) was organized for the soul of George Fernandes by IFKSA at Udyawara
By Alphonse Mendonsa
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 01 Feb: A condolence meet was organized by IFKSA (International Federation of Karnataka Christian Associations) for the departed soul of former Union, Railway and Defence Minister Late George Fernandes at St. Francis Xavier Church Hall at Udyawara, Udupi on Thursday the 31st January 2019.
The Condolence Meet was attended by prominent personalities and close friends of George Fernandes and media representatives.
Steevan Colaco (Secretary IFKA) welcomed the gathering and requested the main dignitaries to the dais namely Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo (Chancellor, Udupi Diocese), Mr. L.R. Dias (President, Railway Travellers Association), Ms. Veronica Cornelio (Social Workder), Mr. Louise Lobo (Hon. President IFKA, Udupi District), Dr. P.V. Bhandari (Senior Psychiatrist @ Baliga Hospital).
Speaking on the occasion Fr. Stany Lobo said “George Fernandes worked the workers and their rights. He fought for them and united them so that they can live a better life having better wages. Secondly, his major achievement was formation of Konkan Railway (Bombay to Mangalore). That was his dream project and with all the adversaries and numerous obstacles, he made sure he completed it when he was the Railway Minister. Today lakhs of people are reaping the benefits of Konkan Railway. We all must be very grateful for him. Also during emergency even when he was in Jail in Bihar, he won with highest votes. Whatever works allocated to him in different ministries, he fulfilled them all to the perfection. I’m proud to say that he was belong to our community and always extended his support to us. On behalf of Konkan Railway and Konkan Karawali People I offer my prayers May his departed soul rest in peace”.
Mr. Louise Lobo addressing the audience said that he had the opportunity to visit George Fernandes at his residence. I was shocked to see that being a Union Minister he was washing his own cloths. Only after completing washing he came and settled for a talk. I have not seen any such simple man in my life as a minister.His simple life is an example to us all. He was known as gain killer. I would compare him to Vajpayee both had moreover same qualities and both had same sickness. He never changed his values in life nor the party. Until his last breath he stayed socialist. I offer my prayer and may his soul rest in peace, he concluded.
Ms. Veronica Cornelio also spoke on the occasion and said that she admired his challenging quality and never say no attitude. His works for workers in praiseworthy and memorable. Initially he fough for the rights of taxi and truck drivers of Mangalore and when he left to Bombay those workers only paid for his ticket fare. Such a simple leader he was. If he had reached this stage of Union Minister it is because his concern for the common man, their problems. He only worked for people and never lived or amassed wealth for himself.
His close associate Mr. L.R. Dias explained in detail of George Fernandes qualities. He said George was born in Bejai, Mangalore, studies at St. Aloysius College and was a very bright student. His father sent him to Seminary to become priest but George could not continue there as his life was not meant to become priest. He returned from Bangalore seminary but unfortunately, his father didn’t allow him inside the house. He went back and slept in central Maidan. However, one of friend from Ammembal located him and took him to his house. In Ammembal his started his mission. He worked there and fought for right of workers and rickshaw drivers. Finally, he went to Mumbai and there too he continued his mission as Union Leader of Taxi Drivers and Mill workers. After many years, he joined politics and became member of Janata Party. Rest is the history, as a Union Minister in various categories he worked for the people and lived for the people. Konkan Railway was one of the most challenging. Though he requested during VP Sing government, the parliament did not pass the request. But he was determined to construct Railway Line from Bombay to Mangalore as it was not easy to travel directly to Mumbai that time. To complete his dream project he formed a Corporation called Konkan Railway Corporation and requested for loans from public. Luckily people contributed generously, especially Mangaloreans and after many struggles and problems Konkan Railway for formed and inaugurated from Mumbai to Trivandrum.
Finally addressing the audience Dr. PV Bhandari said that George Fernandes was his most favoured politician. “I was interested in politics since my childhood. My Father also supported me. I have never met him in my life but have read about him widely. One of the qualities of George Fernandes was his command over 10 languages. He could fluently speak ten languages such as Konkani, Kannada, Tulu, Marati, Hindi, English, Tamil, Urdu, Malayalam and Latin. He was also elected for Loka Sabha nine times. Just imagine a man from our Karawali went to Mumbai, became a leader and then Union Minister just because he was a dedicated man to the cause. He stood for election as an independent candidate as he didn’t wanted to align with any political party for fear of corruption. During his work as Defence Minister he did several surgical strikes but like current leaders he never opened his mouth but worked silently. He went to Jail for the sake of workers in Mumbai and later during Emergency. Today I saw one pic of George Fernandes with Ramkrishna and Viajapayee. Ramakrishna was also my very favourite leader.. All three leaders were of same quality, had always worried about the common man and worked for them and unfortunately because of the worres of the common people and always thinking about their problems all three of them died of similar sickness. Another example of George Fernandes was a socialist to the core. He fought against Multi-Nationals whereas current regimes accord a warm welcome with red carpets to all Multi-National brands to our country. He was also very keen in writing since very young and was editor of many periodicals and have written a few books as well. He was a multi-faceted personality. Unfortunately, he fell sick early but he was a great leader, a challenging leader who worked wonders without having fund but had only vision and values. Today one who throws money is the leader. More money, more power...The best way to offer Shradanjali I would say would be to live in his footsteps, to follow his values and select leader who fight for the people of this great nation. I salute to him and pray for his soul and thank for this great opportunity to attend this condolence meeting".
After the speeches of prominent personalities, the lamp was lit to the portrait of George Fernandes by R.L. Dias and Dr. P.V. Bhandari garlanded the photo and all the leaders present offered flower petals to the photo of departed George Fernandes.
Mr. Neri Cornelio proposed the vote of thanks and Steevan Colaco conducted the condolence Meet.
Also present on the occasion were Mr. Walter Cyril Pinto (President, Catholic Sabha Udupi), Mr. Prashant Jattanna (Former IFKA President), Mr. Jitendra (President, Palimaru Panchayat), Mr. Melwin D’Souza (Lawyer, Shirva).