Monthi Fest celebration in Shirthday
By Frenton Irol Dsouza
Bellevision Media Network
Shirthday, 09 Sep 2018: The feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary was solemnly celebrated in Mount Carmel Church, Shirthday on 8th September, 2018. The nine days of Novena concluded today with the final flower offering at the Shirthady Bus Stand, where small children and the parishioners carrying varieties of baskets with beautiful flowers venerated Infant Mary during the prayer lead by Rev Fr Francis Crasta, the parish priest. It was followed by the procession towards the church.
The solemn feast mass was celebrated by the main celebrant Rev Fr Francis Crasta. During the homily Rev Fr Deepak said, “Mother Mary is our heavenly mother and this day holds three significances. Firstly, we celebrate the birthday of Mother Mary (Monthi Feast), secondly it is our family feast where all the family members get together and thirdly it is the day of women”. The new grains of rice were consecrated during the mass, which was assisted by the children choir. After the holy mass the parishioners were given sweets and sugarcane.
The vehicle blessing ceremony was well organised by the Vehicle Drivers and Owenrs’ Association and the Parish Council. The celebration ended with the games organised the ICYM. Parish Priest Francis Crasta, Assistant Parish priest Rev Fr Deepak, Vice President Wilfred Pinto Secretary Maria Lita Pereira, Vivian Pinto, Jaison Pereira and Chinthan Lobo were present.