New Delhi, March 10: After days of hiding since she was exposed indulging in sleazy acts with the self-styled godman Swami Nityananda, Tamil actress Ranjitha, came out open for the first time justifying her acts, reports Mid-Day.
In an interview with a Tamil website, Ranjitha said what she did was just her service to the godman as a true devotee.
The actress said, "The media has unnecessarily blown the issue out of proportion. I know swamiji for the past few years and my association with him is quite transparent.”
“As a true devotee, I offered my services like feeding and massaging him regularly in his room. I used to stay with him till late and the ashram inmates knew about it."
Further speaking about Swamiji, Ranjitha added, "I know my Swamiji. He is a great atma and will come out as a pure atma soon."