Mangalore: The launch ceremony of the Tulu Chalan film "90ML" under the banner of DD Productions directed by Ranjith C Bajal and produced by Dolphy D’Souza will be held on Friday 1st November at 9.30 am at Saravu Sri Mahaganapati Temple.
Naveen D Padil, Arvind Bolar, Roshan Shetty, Deepak Rai Panaje, Umesh Mizar, Ravirama Kunja, Pushparaj Bollur will be acting in Vineeth Kumar’s 90 ML movie.
Cinematography by Ranjith C Bajal, Direction, Dialogue by Tulsidas Manjeshwar, Cinematography by Arjun MV, Music by Srujan Kumar Tonse, Editing by Vishal Devadiga, PRO by Bala Jagannath Shetty, Design by Acharya Guru. Movie director Ranjith C Bajal said that the shooting will be done in one stage around Mangalore.