Mumbai, 30 July 2010: Rahul Mahajan, who has a history of courting trouble, was dumped by his Kolkata-based model wife Dimpy Ganguly, after a night of domestic violence. The couple tied the knot in March on the reality show, ‘Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jayenge’. According to a news daily, Dimpy left Rahul`s residence in Worli after she was allegedly beaten up by him. It should be noted that Rahul’s first wife Shweta Singh had also accused him of being physically and mentally abusive.
Dimpy revealed that she was punched, kicked and dragged by her hair. Her father arrived at Rahul`s house at 4 pm to rescue her and then she packed her bags and left. "Rahul beat me up early on Thursday morning after waking me up to know the contents of a message that had beeped on my phone. When I asked him to go back to sleep, he flew into a rage and began hitting me. He punched, kicked and dragged me by hair," the 22-year-old model told a TV channel.
Talking about their fights, Dimpy said, "One such fight got so out of hand that I had to call my mother-in-law. Later he was angry that I had involved his mother in the affair.” "He is a nice guy, but when he loses it, there is no telling what he might do," she added. Rahul denied the episode stating: "It is not true at all. I just had dinner with Dimpy`s father."
However, another source revealed that that the abuse had started just a month after their national TV wedding. "However, the intensity increased in the past month-and-a-half," he said. Earlier, reports revealed that their marriage is on the verge of collapse amid rumours that Rahul was chasing old girlfriend Payal Rohtagi. Rahul is said to have sent text messages to Payal, seeking a second chance. However, Payal thwarted his advances.