Swords-wielding gang threatens family, steals 2 jersey cows

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Mangaluru, 19 Jul 2018: A gang of six barged into the barn of Purushottam here, threatened the residents by brandishing swords and made off with 2 Jersey cows. The estimated cost of the two cows is approximately Rs. 45,000.


Incident synopsis

On Tuesday July 17th, around 3 am, the miscreants arrived at the cattle shed. The sound made by the animals woke up the family members who went out to check the cause but were confronted by the gang at the points of their swords. The miscreants had also killed the family dog. The gang members, who were aged between 25-30 years, made off with the cows, informed the family.


Police officials visited the spot, carried investigation and registered a case in this regard at Kavoor police station. Over a period of time, a total of 21 cows have been stolen from this area forcing the locals to seek police protection.


MLA Kotian visit:

MLA, Umanath Kotian, visited the spot and urged the police to catch the cattle thieves and book them under the Goonda Act.


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