13 January 2011: Sarpagandha or garudapathala is an under shrub with simple leaves in whorls.
It has white flowers tinged with pink colour. Its drupes are purplish black or reddish when ripe.
The plants are over exploited from the wild due to its rich medicinal property and it has been included in the list of endangered species. Roots of the plant is being exported to foreign countries.
The air dried roots of the plant has several alkaloids and the most important among them is reserpine, which has a depressent action on the human central nervous system. It produces sedation and lowers the blood pressure.
The root of the plant is used in the treatment of insomnia, epilepsy, mental disorders, pain and poisoning.
While it is known as Sarpagandha or garudapathala in Kannada, the plant is known as sarapagandha and naagagandha in Sanskrit. In Malayalam it is known as amalapuri and sarpagandha. Meanwhile, in English it is known as small moon plant and snake dog bane. Its scientific name is rauvolfia serpentina and it belongs to Apocynaceae family.