Home remedies: Top 5 cures for hiccups
23 Jun 2013 (Health Me Up ): Hiccups comes with a vengeance and it seems like a dying battle to cut it short. There are no explanations for the causes for hiccups, but hiccups are associated with eating quickly, discomfort of the diaphragm, stress and anxiety. Here are top 5 cures for hiccups.
A spoonful of sugar makes the hiccups go away, so swear by peanut butter too. Sugar irritates the throat, causing it to readjust, stopping the hiccups. But it still has to be proven.
This is an old trick! Hold your breathe to stop hiccups, this method too disrupts the nerve stimulation from the brain to the diaphragm.
Think while you are swallowing water, it tends to change your breathing. It doesn’t matter how you drink water - through a straw, spoon, sideways, small glass or big. Water seems to subdue hiccups.
Scaring the a person disrupts the breathing and distracts you mentally. Don’t wait for Halloween to play tricks, scare your hiccups today.
have something sour like vinegar or lime to interrupt your breathing. The cringing face you make helps stall the hiccups.