In spite of these predictions, one cannot underestimate the regional parties who collectively can topple the applecart of the NDA by coming together on a common platform in the form of a Third Front. But one cannot forget the previous experiments with such a possibility as each of the regional leaders entertain an ambition of becoming Prime Minister. Hence, their efforts would be to win the maximum number of seats so that they could have bargaining power to put forward their own claim for the Prime Ministerial Chair.
A lot of churning is going on in the political ocean as alliances are being formed and disgruntled ticket-losers in one party jumping the bandwagon of other parties. As winning is the prime ‘mantra’ of all political parties, they are in the process of fielding candidates with criminal background and corrupt practices. The general election of 2014 has been generating a lot of heat and dust. As such it would be interesting to be a witness to the historical event by understanding the forces and personalities that shape the future of this great country. would bring out analytical articles by experts on the forthcoming elections that would provide insight into the historical general election of 2014. - Team
13 Apr 2014: Would a dark horse, please explain to us, a model that will work for us? Who is the messiah? I asked as I closed chapter 8 of the special election series.
Majority of my readers thought Arvind Kejriwal has the messianic potential. The staunchest INC loyalist but a committed supporter of Anna Hazare, advocate Benedict Noronha vehemently disagreed with the majority view. He advised the young not to run around crazy Kejriwal who has lost the company of Kiran Bedi and other anti-corruption fighters. Kejriwal will be one month leader, he further said.
Ardent AAP supporter Baptist Sequeira defended Kejriwal brilliantly: AK is not failed in Delhi. If his success graph moved only upside,there would not have much nationwide criticism and analysis of AAP and Kejriwal.Delhi is given a choice, either elect the corrupt or trust the truthful and honest. Ultimately, we have to decide our future; not AK, not AAP; nobody but us.
Fredrick Fernandes of Moodubelle was categorically against communal BJP and corrupt INC. We want to know who can provide a clean, corruption free government who will uplift the poor and safeguard the middle-class. Whom was he plugging for? I hope he did not mean JDS!
I will return with more models, young and brave, for our youth to find politics interesting. How about this brave I present below:
Amith Udupi do not despair she is not the kind of models which you regret our youngsters are unfortunately following on Lakmi fashion weeks. Raajdeep Sardesai, Arnob Goswami, Burkha Dutt and Cute many, (apologies Vicky Udupi) do not parade them as guests in their talk shows on primetime television. But they exist; they are figment of my imagination. What are her interests for which she will trade her vote, the only commodity she has in her basket? Why she should not sell it to the highest bidder and settle in cash, or kind?
Is it immoral for her to accept the transport service to her voting booth? She says: Anna, please do not leave me frying in the hot sun after I voted. Drop me home. Anna, would you spare your loose change for my chai-pani? What, are you looking in shirt pockets for a five rupee coin? No, even beggars do not touch coins these days. Can you not spare me a crisp hundred rupee note? Last month, minister Sorake came to the Panchayat Office. I walked all the way on this steep mud road to beg him to restore my BPL card. He also agreed to give a 500 rupees monthly pension. He gave me FIVE HUNDRED! God bless him, I will strengthen his Hand!
Congress has ruined the country in sixty years. There is no development. Is there anyone who can remember 1901 alive out there? Has anyone been to Hampankatte, the city centre of Mangalore recently? I was there a month ago. I tried to cross the streets at the circle amidst the chaos of a new experiment in traffic management which does not believe in traffic signals and traffic police. I am fortunate to have returned alive, in all limbs intact. Below, I present the development that has come to Hampankatte Circle. It is a, I am for myself and God for all kind of business model at work at the circle. Is this not development? Sure, it is. Rains may be slowed down but money is raining nay pouring in Mangalore these days. Real Estate is booming. Malls are doing brisk business. NRI and rich investors from big cities are buying into construction projects of swanky residential and commercial complexes.
I had two 110-yr old ladies in my list of friends from the district. Both died last year, after voting in 2013 assembly elections. Last time I met one of them on her husband’s ancestral property, she fondly remembered the big shops in front of Milagres Church and asked me if they are still there? When she saw those big shops, I asked. In the year she was married to a man in Omzoor. At what age you married, I asked. Fifteen!
The brave old widow edging her way up the dirt road I have posted above does not date to 1918, the year my Omzoor friend married. It is current, yesterday, today, now and tomorrow. The fruits of development which all economic models have brought about in the existence of our republic have not trickled down to those who need them the most but are not equipped with the talents to grab them.
We are created equal, did you say, my dear pastor? We are created unequal in sizes, shapes, skin and eye colours, genders, genes, and households. There are beasts and beauties among us. There are brains and dumbasses among us. God did not create us equal at all. Recognising the inequality in the nature, He then gave a commandment to love my neighbour as I love myself.
Is this about a Jesus Model of Development? We have seen Marx Model of Development. It is called communism and has failed in Soviet Union. China has impishly given up communism and nakedly embraced crony capitalism as the true path to economic salvation. The Jesus model has not taken off the ground. The model built in His name has become a massive establishment that He may not recognise. It is money flowing upward the pyramid structure of Church and prayers for repose of soul in heavenly bliss flowing downward. Both Jesus and Marx models, superb solutions for correcting the inequalities with which God created us, failed because and I quote Amith Udupi again: Anyone can say anything, the basic mentality of the masses is NOBODY gives a damn about any person if they donot get something for them.
The water tank in the above picture is the assets of politicians, who hold offices for 2 to 3 years, holding assets worth 150 crores. Youngsters like Amith Udupispend 20 years on educating themselves with the hope of earning a decent living and yet do not manage to save much for our future.
No wonder the pigeons forage for grains thrown at them as acts of charity by superstitiously religious people. The imagery of pigeons quenching their thirst from and water trickling out is same as youngsters waiting in queues for jobs promised by governments.
The despairing thought of average folks, who are not exceptionally gifted genetically, that democracy is a sham and a hog wash on which the nation spends billions to elect uneducated goons who make millions and people like us can only watch and sigh is legitimate. It is a start. But that is not enough. From despair, resolve to think and act must spring. That is the Arab Spring Model.
Tarek al-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-yr old Tunisian street vendor set himself on fire on 17 December 2010, in protest of the confiscation of his wares and the harassment and humiliation that he reported was inflicted on him by a municipal official and her aides. His act became a catalyst for the Tunisian Revolutionand the wider Arab Spring. Demonstrations and riots that followed in several Arab nations overthrew corrupt and dictatorial rulers from power. Democratic forces staged revolutions and won political power in some countries, and failed in some. Violence and bloodbath disrupted civilian lives and killed in hundreds of thousands of people. It was not about religion. The angry rebellious populations swore by Islam. The despots swore by Islam. They killed in the name of Islam. Only military, with their guns and goons, prevented people from overthrowing autocratic and corrupt from positions of power.
We in India too have killed in the name of God. We too are dividing civilians in the name of God.
But is God really heading to the voter booth on the Election Day in your constituency? Should He discharge what essentially is a human duty? Should He not stay in his Abode in Heaven and let His creation act with reason and courage? Vote decisively for change is what reason is about.
In the year 1980, death of Sanjay Gandhi catapulted the unwilling Rajiv Gandhi into politics. The man was a pappu; he knew how to fly a simple plane and not run a country. But fate befell that he ran a country. In his brief 5 years at the helm, he changed direction of India: from looking backward to dreaming ahead. A new and young vision unfolded through his ambitious team of advisors and executives, which put India on a trajectory of high GDP growth. See chart above. Rahul is not wrong when he says that it is his father who set India on modernizing and growing path.
The Rajiv Model unleashed in 1984 requires money which rich and powerful nations have besides the rich and powerful among us. The rich and powerful are neither moved by Jesus Model nor Marx Model. They are only moved by what-is-in-it-for-me Model. They part with their money to invest or spend in our country on THEIR terms. They want to dress, eat, drink, dance, walk, love, marry, and smoke and do anything as they please. Their dollars brings with them their culture. Do we want our culture not to be affected and soiled? Stay away from their dollars. Wear the cultural saffron or green or white burqua and live in poverty.
You have a dream and want India modified? Modi says he has a working model in Gujarat that can turn a UP-Bihar into paradise just in 60 months.
Among his dreams:
1. 1USD=38 Indian Rupees.
2. Export Growth 15%
3. Agricultural Growth 10%
4. Top Universities in India.
I will only examine the 1 USD=38 rupees and what this dream brings to an average Indian.
Case 1: Gold is store of value. Indians cannot do without Gold, Indians and Chinese are biggest purchasers of Gold. The international price for Gold today is USD 42.38 per gm. So at 1USD=62, you pay 2628 plus import tax, costing you about Rs 3,000.
Modi becomes PM and by magic wand, makes 1USD=38 rupees.
Gold price does not obey orders of Modi. Let us assume that gold price remains steady; your gold value drops to Rs 1610! You have lost half your wealth!! Imagine Gujarati and wealthy wanting that to happen.
Case 2: Foreigners have been welcomed to invest in our stock markets. Let us say that bought stock of a company priced at Rs 620 today which is USD10. Modi magic wand and pooh! 1USD=38 rupees. Let us assume the stock price remains same at Rs620. Actually, Gujarat model of Modi should work magic and take the stock high, may be double? Anyway, foreigner sells his stock and takes home his money in dollars. 620 rupees is now USD 16.31, which is 631% growth in value for a foreigner without doing any work but park his money in a stock waiting for Modi to work his magic!
Indians will be bankrupt in this monkey business of dreaming that we can FIX a dollar rupee rate as we like. The rate is determined by how productive we are. How efficient we are. How much we produce more than we need and sell it abroad. How many foreigners we attract to tour our country and spend till they go broke throwing their money at everything we have and want to sell, EVERYTHING, then only Rupee appreciates. Not by Modi day dream.
Vote right on April 17. I will be back with a few more models…
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