Do we have an option now to decide on our next PM?

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By Baptist Sequeira, Moodubelle
Bellevision Media Network


01 Jul 2012: In one of the magazine published on the occasion of Independence Day in 2011 an article on India’s bullish/growing economy by Mr. Farhan Hasan with a caption:  “An unshackled tiger” and narrated India as: “ Despite current market volatility, India’s economy is growing rapidly 20 years after liberation, and a new set of reforms could advance further progress”


Well, today it is entirely a different story altogether, the predicted Bullish Outlook seems to be fading or climbing down drastically.  Why this disaster situation? What and where India or our leadership went wrong?


The current situation of Indian Economy is creeping near the lowest level in the graph. Rupee value has fallen to the lowest and still falling. Industrial growth is also very low. Inflation and cost of the items has reached to the sky. All these situations indicate the coming few years will not be better.


Whom shall we blame now?  ourselves?, for electing Mr. Manmohan Singh as the great economist as our Prime Minister or UPA and the Congress party for not managing the economy as predicted before and for not productively implementing the plans and schemes? Or blame him not keeping the promises given during the elections or for all scams involved the present government? However, we also should not ignore the global economic situation as we are closely connected to global economy and trade partners of many European and Asian countries. But with an able leader at the helm, these situations are always expected and a great visionary leader will have the systems at place in the situation like this in advance.


May be when a single party gets a chance to govern India for seven years (or twice in a row) gets exhausted and in the final days of governess, the situation of the country may remain as of today?. So shall we blame the incompetency of the leaders or the party at the helm?


In the case of FDI, may be the government wanted to improve the aviation sector but common people made ignored it as it could encourage conversion black money into white money.


Having said that; managing a coalition of parties is also required a much matured, gutsy leadership. May be intellectual people of India could not find such leader since many years.


May be due to lack of democracy principles in the parties, or survival of coalition government, the vested interest of regional parties or partners were compromised and hence finding a suitable leader was not given importance at all.


This resulted in the lack of interest among intellectual electorate to go out and vote for a suitable leader and this basic right was left to the common people to vote and select a leader who have no vision of running the state or country without any foresight. . Hence once a party gets the majority by hook or crook then the real quality of leadership is being exposed and therefore leadership was compromised with a less able leader.


Now the main question remains to be asked ourselves and i.e do we have able leaders to lead or manage India effectively?  If we are bored with Congress leadership after supporting them for seven years in power, what is the next option do we have or which party shall we elect in the next election? Since there are only two years left for the next election, has any central party projected their leader to lead India?


Since none of the party have any strategies or well thought schemes, neither for their party, nor for the country how any party project their leader?. What leadership can we expect? Having left only two years for the next election, has any party projected any candidate for Prime Minister? If they had announced the Prime Ministerial candidate and other leaders well before the next election, people would have ample time to analyze and would elect an able leader for this important post. But because of the bickering among themselves and no consensus among the coalition partners and simply giving in to please the party bosses our country will not have a well deserved candidate in advance till the last moment of election.


In this situation, we have no other option and elect a focus-less leader or since there is no other able leader in other major parties of the Centre but to elect Congress to power . If Congress comes back to power I am sure, same Gandhi family will control the country for another five years without implementing any serious economy oriented projects.


In this case, which other party can be elected to power, Bharatia Janata Party?  BJP has already shown its negative symptoms of how it will rule India, because it has the most disorder within the party itself.  Party president has no guts or clue less how to control leaders such as Narendra Modi and Yedyurappa.  Has BJP projected a PM yet? No as we know as of now, there is serious opposition by Nitesh Kumar CM of Bihar and the NDA Partner for projecting Narendra Modi by BJP for Prime Ministerial post.  Do we have enough confidence to elect this party?  Suppose, the BJP is elected, does it have an able leader to control the party itself forget the Nation.


Has CPM or any other party projected their candidates for Prime Ministerial position? Then again same Karunanidhi, Mamtha Banerji,Mulayam Singh and Lalu Yadhav will pull the country in four directions and India will go down to the dogs if this situation not avoided and the Indian citizens will go for a deep slumber for another five years or maybe less or more???  Who knows?.
Mr. Ajim Premji and Mr. Narayan Murthy have already indicated of their unhappiness in this matter. They have mentioned that today India has no able leader to look for. Other investors too think many times before they take interest in investing in a sluggish economy like India. In between, if there is any natural calamity or disaster happens, since managing and foreseeing of calamities by the leaders is very important, and in absence of able leadership, only God has to save the country if such situation at all occurs.


So, what is the solution for this leadership problem? Most important is that every Indian must raise his or her voice for a very ideal election or leader selection system. No money power should dominate the electoral process. Instead, for at least 2 terms India must try either American style of election or it should give the administration to Supreme Court so that Supreme Court must elect some very ideal leaders from industry or from institutions and should only implement the present pending projects till India comes to a stable economy state.


Meanwhile, every Indian must involve in active politics, not in party politics. Every civilian must ask for what they had to get from the government, instead of electing someone and going for a slumber. There must not be any leader who would dominate the local administration. People must monitor the works and no leader must be in a position to influence if people raise voice and correct the governance.



Let us hope. Because waking up from a deep slumber is a bit difficult task. But seeing dreams in sleep is pleasure. So, we also look forward for some dreams, that either Congress or BJP or any other party announce their Prime Ministerial candidate soon, and we can build our hopes around the new PM. If we are active citizens of India then immediately we write or mail to our local members of parliament and ask him who will be our Prime Minister in 2014?



Comments on this Article
Philip Mudartha, Qatar Tue, July-3-2012, 1:16
With due to respect to editorial policies, I do not submit to same contributions to Bellevision and Udupitoday. BV and UT both provide links on their home pages to each other. Readers can subscribe or set alerts both on websites or Facebook pages of these websites and access my articles on politics, current issues, economics etc. My travelogue to Greece is already published on UT. Other exclusives to BV will be submitted in due course..
Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain Tue, July-3-2012, 9:32
It was nice to read all the detailed comments made by our own Mudartha Sir. I am a novice in subjects like economic growth, politics. Etc. After reading your valuable comments on BV, it gives me some idea about the realities in these two fields especially the political scenario in India and the so called India's political system. I have no doubt in my mind that democracy in India is still alive and kicking but the so called uneducated and power hungry politicians some time (if not always) making a mockery of our democracy which is very unfortunate. Am sure The Indian constitution is so strong that any politician might play his dirty game for a while and accumulate wealth and money as much as he wants but when a crunch situation comes he will realize that is it really worth for ¦.( already enough examples are there in front of us) . Only time will tell! But your comments are spot on. By the way Sir, any more information or for that matter any travelogue from your trip down to Greece. (Olympic city Athens) do share with BV readers if you can.
Philip Mudartha, Qatar Tue, July-3-2012, 2:51
5. Time gave India the chance to finish Nehru-Gandhi dynasty several times. The leaders lost every opportunity by stupidity, crude publicly displayed greed for power. 6. In our backyard, likely oligarchy of Madhvaraj family is challenged within the parties involved, and a meritorious MP in JP Hegde has been elected. 7. The enactment of PRI three tier people s administrations have empowered commoners like never before. Our own Fernandes, DSouza, Hebbar, Shetty and others might nurture their own oligarchies sooner. But, they will always be challenged and defeated unless results are delivered. 8. Money is not a problem. Why are we where we are if not for making money and empower our children to make more money? Money and greed is good, without which growth and development is not possible. But, money is not enough. A fool soon loses his money. Money goes to those who are intelligent, clever and passionate. Not to the lazy and no-sayers. The politicians after securing power may become tyrannical, which is what money does to the unwise. Because it sows the seeds of destruction by pride and vanity. 9. The Gandhi dynasty has survived because their public behavior is of humility..
Philip Mudartha, Qatar Tue, July-3-2012, 2:32
1. Let us not be disheartened by dynasties trying to emerge in India. History is proof that they rise and fall. Sixty years is too short a span to make seeping judgement on Indian democracy. 2. 7 out of 10 Chinese top bosses are princelings. They are descendants of people s liberation war heroes. 3. The phenomenon of political power concentrating in a few hands has a name: Oligarchy. It is not a new name. After aristocracy gave way to rise of broad based governing systems, oligarchs emerged. They were challenged by revolts, the oldest we can read in the history of democratic city-state of Athens millenniums ago. 4. Let us not forget that Mulayam Singh Yadav, a nukkad-ka-balwaan, muscled his way from humble origins to build his dynasty. Akilesh and Dimple will bite dust if they do not deliver just as many have done before them. 4. Jawaharlal always wanted his daughter to inherit his position after his death. But LB Shastri was no saint. he saw to it that he became PM. Eventually upon his death, power struggles within Congress gave Indira the PM chair. She had to wage Machiavellian wars against her rivals, which she did with uncanny and admirable political instincts. contd
Baptist Sequeira, Belle Mon, July-2-2012, 12:17
Dear Philip Sir, I am a total supporter of Indian Democracy and Constitution of Dr. Ambedkar. As you have detailed, the outcome of democracy is a wonderful fruit. It happens only if every participant of democracy is active. But when money rules the democracy, again only the powerful will try to get the ruling and fill their barns. Example Akhilesh Yadav wife will become MP, because she will get first chance, then some body else, Mr. Rahul Gandhi will be a contestant for PM post, even if intelligent leaders exist in party. Why like this? Also in case of Karnataka, today does a common man has voice to speak against what is happening, does common man can file a grievance to anybody when a state limping in development in today s situation? May be if all citizens raise theirs voice in some or other ways so that electoral system gets refined may be the butter will surface in the Democracy.
Philip Mudartha, Qatar Mon, July-2-2012, 4:10
..the President, Supreme Court and Media remain as watch-dogs of this process, to ensure that parliamentary traditions and constitutional procedures are honored. Electoral politics is like churning curd, to bring forth butter out of it. Placing a knob of butter in a pot of curd may help nucleate butter quicker, but without it, the process is effective. At the end of this long argumentative traditionalist post, it does not matter if Rahul Gandhi or Narendra Modi from existing alliances or Navin Patnaik or an unknown from a third alliance are nominated pre-election or are challenged after post-election, to throw up the PM-designate. The nation is governed by institutions, systems and constitutional provisions. It should be that way to ensure rule of law and not rule by men. The nation has a vision, refer to it on the planning commission s website and contribute to it. the Vision 2020 is published since 2002. Vision 2030 is drafted and public are contributing to refine it. Vision 2050 is being talked about. Each of us can participate; the IT and ITES has revolutionized civic participation in governance which no one envisioned twenty years ago. Villagers now access: ask Dr. Eugene..
Philip Mudartha, Qatar Mon, July-2-2012, 3:54
..with college degree alone are not repository of wisdom. Rural, illiterate and uninformed of national issues are capable to evaluate what they want. They routinely or reject their leaders. The mighty have fallen from power not because of intellectual uprising but peasant-power. In the development of our political society, I view rise of strong regional political leaders a positive development. The destiny of a large and diverse nation such as ours should not be left in the hands of one strong individual as PM, who will rough-shod like a colossus stamping out aspirations of people. If a price is to be paid in slow decision-making so be it. Slow and steady wins the race. hence, it is not required to know the PM-designate before the elections. Every major party has a manifesto, it has a part president and leadership committees at various levels, right to the Grama level, thus providing voters with the inputs necessary to make up their minds. The result could be a hung parliament, with two or more alliances contending to form the government. Within each alliance, there could be two or more contenders to be PM. This is not at bad, as long as the process is transparent...
Philip Mudartha, Qatar Mon, July-2-2012, 3:22
Very honestly, dear young author, I read this four times and was at a loss to figure out what your suggested solution is. Are you advocating a new constitution for Republic of India? Indira Gandhi, during her heydays, briefly considered to do that and bring in direct election of PM by nationwide voters. And you want us like those crisis ridden banana republics where Chief Justice of Supreme Court assigns to himself the dictatorial powers to hand-pick the Executive? Thankfully, despite our failures, disappointments, faults and tens of democratically legislated amendments, Indian Constitution given to us by the visionary team led by Dr. Ambedkar, has served well. Let us accept that. In a region filled with turmoil and conflict, it has thrown up political leadership that has kept a diverse, divisive and often suicidal young nation together without major upheavals, barring the two years of authoritarian emergency rule. With the passing away of leaders from the liberation struggle, and mantle passing on to post-independence born generation, the elitist and colossal nature of leadership of the past. The power has shifted to where it belongs: the people. The urbanized and those..contd
John Peter Fernandes, Moodubelle/Nottingham U.K Sun, July-1-2012, 10:10
India is advancing towards global power but it needs a powerful leader to take forward. Congress has got good vision but still lacking some leadership qualities. Baptist you said right that every party should announce their next PM Candidate in advance so people can decide who is the best one to lead. Now is the crucial time for Indian Citizens whom to vote??????????? Too many Political parties make even worst in India. Nobody gets majority after all hung parliament.
Alphonse Mendonsa, Pangla/Abu Dhabi Sun, July-1-2012, 7:56
Dear Baptist, it is a well thought article and a wake up call for us from deep slumber. In India we don t take voting very seriously maybe it is c se we don t have much choice. We have been electing one party for power hoping after hope that they will provide the able governance. Initially though it was all went well but gradually the shining India lost its sheen. One of the reason maybe changing of Finance ministry from Chidambaram to Pranab which resulted in all wrong decisions and our economy policies did not yield the expected results. We all are aware of the current situation in Karnataka the BJP is facing and neither BJP s central or state leadership has no clue how to control this situation it is sure to fall sooner, then how can be trust them to control the Nation?? Even in Congress If they project Rahul Gandhi as the Prime Ministrial candidate does he has the capability to rule, does he has any vision for India?? It will be again controlled by his dear Mother Sonia. You suggested some American system and my honest Opinion it is not going to work in our country. Hence we need to follow same old system unfortunately.. thanks and keep writing and sharing in Bellevision.
Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain Sun, July-1-2012, 4:03
Every citizen of India has a collective responsibility towards the betterment of the Nation. So it is correct time for voters to change their attitudes and thought process towards it by making a difference at least in a simple way. India is all about Triumphs and Troubles; your message is loud and clear. Let us use our vote tool; we have elections coming up in 2 years time. All these political parties will project their prime ministerial candidates but we have to caste our valuable vote to the educated, decent candidates, it is preferred to vote for a clean educated and the one who can make a difference. We have to make him to know his obligation to the general public and to the economy of our country. Dear Baptist, I salute you for your vision and your concern and your foresight. So my answer to your question is yes! We do have an option now to decide on our next Prime Minister! By the way please do continue to share with us your thoughts and wisdom to write more and more articles in the near future and may God bless you.
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