Ahmednagar (Maharashtra), 09 July 2012: In a tragic repeat of the Gurgaon incident where three-year-old Mahi lost her life, a four-year-old boy Monday fell into a borewell in a village in Ahmednagar district here, police said.
The incident took place in Kadangaon village of Rahuri taluka, around 45 km from the district headquarters of Ahmednagar where Manoj Ghorpade fell down the borewell Monday afternoon while he was playing near it.
"Manoj fell down into the 270 feet deep borewell this afternoon. However, he is stuck at around 24 feet and we are still able to hear his voice," an official from Rahuri Police Station told IANS.
JCB machines have been pressed into the rescue operation and the army has been alerted. Local residents have also plunged into helping with rescue operations, the official said.