Games over, PM orders probe into CWG

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New Delhi, 15 October 2010: With the Commonwealth Games over and demands for probe for mounting, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh tonight appointed a high-level committee headed by a former CAG to go into allegations of corruption related to the mega sporting event.


The committee, headed by former Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) V K Shunglu, will submit its report to the Prime Minister within three months, PMO spokesman said.


The announcement came even as the CAG stepped into the picture to conduct assessment of various projects related to the CWG with officials set to visit all the stadia and go through records.


Significantly, CWG Organising Committee Chairman Suresh Kalmadi, who has been in the line of fire over the corruption allegations, was snubbed when he was not invited to a felicitation at the Prime Minister’s residence for Indian medal winners.


"The government has decided to constitute a high-level committee under former CAG V K Shunglu to look into all matters relating to organising and conduct of the Commonwealth Games 2010, New Delhi, including to draw lessons from it," the spokesman said.


The details of terms of reference will be announced in a day or two, the spokesman said.


The developments came as opposition parties, which had held their fire during the 12-day event, today stepped up their demand for thorough probe into corruption charges which the Congress said should be done and those guilty, if any, be brought to book.




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