Mangalore: 6 yr-old boy crushed to death by tempo, angry locals protest

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Mangalore, 06 Jun 2014: A 6 year-old school boy crushed to death after he was hit by a speeding  tempo traveler on Thursday, June 5 at Gurpur Kaikamba in Mangalore while he was waiting for the school van, following which angry locals protested and set tyres on fire.


The boy, Rohit R Poojari, was a first standard in Pompei School. It is said that the boy along with his mother was waiting for the school van, when a speeding tempo hit him.



Rohit was severely injured and rushed to a hospital, where he died later. The driver of the tempo fled the spot soon after the accident.


Angry locals gathered in a large number when they heard the news of the accident and called for the protest. They also burnt tyres to express their anger.


The protestors gathered at the spot and blocked the roads which lead to heavy traffic jam in the area. They also demanded the DC, MLA, and MP to come to the spot. Police rushed to the spot.


This is the sixth accident that has been reported in the past 6 months claims reports.



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Comments on this Article
Philip Mudartha, Navi Mumbai Sat, June-7-2014, 11:02
If roads are widened or even a wide new bypass road is built, it is only part of the solution. Unless road users obey rules, they are useless. For example, Saudi Arabia has world s widest roads, but its fatal road accident rate is far higher than on Indian roads. Fatal accident rates in Oman are even higher. Qatar and UAE are fast catching up with our road death rates, even with good roads and better cars. SO, what is needed? Awareness and a genuine concern for a human life other than one s own. Letting others to live is for our own good. We must become that kind of selfish people, the long vision kind, and not the short vision selfish type. For more, refer to my two year old article in Bellevision linked here: type=171
Philip Mudartha, Navi Mumbai Sat, June-7-2014, 10:52
Popular grievance against authorities and politicians for not widening the road leading from Kaikamba through Gurpur Pete is heard each time death on road occurs. There are reports that required land is controlled by local temples and mosques. Nearly 100% locals are religious, which is good sign that they will soon decide their priorities: land or life. In this case,l the rioters dispersed after the local somgol who is a charismatic and influential person with good oratory skills,( I sat through his sermons before), authorities can put him to good use to have lands released. He will not oppose local development on petty issue like pieces of earth and a few shops of his followers.
Philip Mudartha, Navi Mumbai Sat, June-7-2014, 10:38
I followed this story keenly of my great interest in travel safety. I am aware that blaming victims is not liked. It is criticized as impolite. But to solve a problem, we must understand it from all angles. 1. The Eicher tempo was speeding. At what speed, how do we know? 2. The tempo hit and ran. How far? where was it intercepted, stopped, and then damaged by rioters? 3. How did the collision takes place? Was the boy and his mother waiting for school van on the road? If so why? Were they waiting inside a school-children pick-up/drop zone? Is there such a zone or a point to wait? Is there a special speed limit during such hours? Is there a procedure to restrict commercial vehicles from using road during school children picking and dropping hours? 4. Why were they not waiting on the pavement? Is there an elevated pavement? If yes, was it occupied by shopkeepers to display their goods? or to park, especially bikes ? Why were they not waiting on the pavement? Parents and guardians of the school going children should raise these questions and find remedies. One life is lost. More should not.
Ashwin Karkera, vamanjoor Fri, June-6-2014, 4:22
Widening the roads is not the solution for the problem. Problem here is the reckless driving and police and the RTO not taking proper action.(I know its beyond them for some extend) Widening the road will only encourage faster driving and imagine the kids crossing these roads. Only thing is the young child lost its life for nothing. I am pretty sure the killer driver will start driving(or may be driving) immediately. He will just worry about his own kids. No empathy not courtesy towards anything and others kids. As long as our governments do not enforce the law there is no hope. Poor boy looses his life probably on his first day of school. He must have dreamed about this day as he is going to first standard for the first time. I don t know why he was not accompanied by some senior? Please guys don t let children go out by their own. Maniacs are there everywhere. I am pretty sure lot of people who did the protest themselves do not know the basic road manners. When something happens to us we wake up. That s very sad.
Sriraj Shetty, Bijai Fri, June-6-2014, 4:19
Oh my God! a little school boy who met an accident on way to his school, really a sad matter. My sincere request with all parents of these small children, please do take utmost care till they enter into schools as well as when come out of their schools to house. Time is very very worst, instead of blaming others, we should take care ourselves and rest all in God s hand.
Kunal Shetty, M lore/Mumbai Fri, June-6-2014, 4:19
very interesting widening road but we dont want to give land for widening...same people will protest against widening road....same swamiji will assure them to help them......same thasildar assure them that i will talk to the officials......yet end will be blaming Government...blame Hindus Muslims, Christian for not allowing the state to develop....create division ...a small riot in Gurupur ....then election....then read from beginning....Bharat Mata...we are well misleading.
Rashmi, Bangalore Fri, June-6-2014, 4:17
you may not be true always. Just close your eyes and feel it was your dear one and then see if you want locals to protest or be cool and relax. yes, some times it happens as mob is created unnecessarily. this is not a communal issue for someone to create tension. It was in front of the helpless mother her son killed by this bas..rd. If it was your dear one, you may realise why the locals protested so strongly.
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