Udupi: Grand Eucharistic Procession marks the Confraternity Sunday celebration in Moodubelle Parish

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By Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
Bellevision Media Network

Udupi/M’belle, 05 Jan 2014:The Confraternity Sunday in anticipation of the Annual Parish Feast of St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle was observed with solemn Mass and grand Eucharistic Procession through the main Road on Sunday, 5 January 2014. A large number of parishioners actively participated with devotion and fervor in this meaningful and spiritually enriching religious service.


The solemn Confraternity Mass was concelebrated with Rev. Fr. William Martis as the chief celebrant assisted by  Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes, parish priest, Fr. Raj, Fr. Robert Lasrado (OFM Cap), Fr. Reginald Pinto, Fr. Charles Menezes and Fr. Naresh Lobo.  The altar servers and the concelebrants came in procession from the presbytery to the accompaniment of the band and entered the church through the main door.


In his homily  delivered in Kannada and partly in Konkani, Rev. Fr. William Martis explained the significance of the Holy Eucharist and highlighted the love of God to mankind manifested through his Son Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life on the Cross to save the humankind from sin and damnation. Giving examples from the Holy Gospel, Fr. William Martis stressed on the virtue of forgiveness and compassion.


Following  the end of the Mass, the Holy Eucharist was placed in the Monstrance and the grand Eucharistic Procession began. The Brass Band was followed by the Cross, few altar servers and the parishioners and at the end of the procession, the Holy Eucharist was carried by Fr. Reginald Pinto on the decorated vehicle.



The procession moved through the inner road by the side of the cemetery and St. Lawrence English Medium High School and took a turn towards the Main Road opposite the Syndicate Bank and proceeded through the Main Road. Meanwhile, the church bell rang continuously, fire-crackers were burst intermittantly and hymns were sung which were audible throughout the procession as loud-speakers were mounted on poles at regular intervals.  The entire path of the Eucharistic Procession was decorated with buntings. The Main Road was free from heavy traffic and was swept clean. Some patches of the road were even cleaned with water. As the procession passed, the residents of the township paid respect to the Holy Eucharist by standing still.


At the end of the Eucharistic Procession, Rev. Fr. William Martis  led the adoration with meaningful prayer and invocation. This was followed by the solemn Eucharistic Blessing.


The Confraternity Sunday service was attended by a large number of parishioners with great devotion and fervor. This has set the right spiritual tone for the Vespers on Tuesday, 7 January at 6.30 pm and the solemn parish feast on Wednesday, 8 January 2014 at 10 am.



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Comments on this Article
Martis, Kattingeri, Kabul Mon, January-5-2015, 7:09
Long live Belle Fellowship. I am very happy to see the unity, devotion and decipline in which we showed. Special thanks to my friend Harish Shetty for your love towards the church and our people. God bless every Bellean.
Harish Shetty, MARNE/ABU DHABI Mon, January-6-2014, 12:15
Nice to see our church where we all grown up.... St. Lawrence bless you all.....
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