Centenary Special 3 - My Primary School

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Dear Readers of Bellevision.com,


Church Aided Higher Primary School of Moodubelle is celebrating its centenary during this week and its a proud occasion to all its old students and well wishers. This school as helped to shape lives of thousands of students for last 100 years and the journey still continues.


On this historic occasion, Bellevision website is pleased to publish a series of articles from its old students who narrate their experiences and fond memories.  Team Bellevision thanks all the writers for their valuable time and contribution. Request all the readers to come forward and send constructive comments and feed back on these articles of old students.

- Editor.




My Primary School


Do I remember my college teachers or for that matter my high school teachers? Vaguely, a few, I do.  If you ask me the same question on my primary school teachers, my answer is a resounding “Yes, I remember each one of them vividly, bringing back fond memories”.  My very first teachers were  Mary teacher, Felis Master, Itthu Master, Eugene Teacher, Lilly Teacher, Willie Master, Sadananda Master and the most revered Head Master – Benny Master.


These simple but great teachers laid the foundation for my education and my development as a good human being.  For me in particular, the only remembrance of Belle is my primary school (I did not attend high school in Belle).  I was truly blessed to be born in a house which had the church on one side and the school on the other (not to forget the cemetery which is just behind). My memories of Belle are all around the Church, the school and of course the main street.


The primary school played a very important part in my childhood and laid the foundation for a very successful life I am leading today.  I am not talking about the material success but a profound inner success of satisfaction and contentment.  Those were true teachers with great commitment and dedication to their profession.  We are the beneficiaries of their hard work.


On another note, today looking at our society particularly in India, I truly appreciate the contribution made by our Church in our development as good human beings.  We were all blessed with free education.  Not just any education but a class education which gave us the confidence to stand tall wherever we are today.  Unlike many societies within India we were born and brought up in clean and cultured environment, given free education and made to stand on our feet – thanks to our mother church.


I conclude this note, with deep appreciation and gratitude to my church, my primary school, my most revered teachers and the society in which I grew up. Thank you! 


Lawrence Alva


Lawrence Alva, is a professional in the management of Education and Training. His entire career span of 30 years has been built in and around human development organizations right from vocational training to management training.   Currently he is the CEO of National Training Institute, the largest premier training institute in Oman.


He has a God gifted nature of blending with people of all age groups & different cultures. Well organized, disciplined and focused in his work; leads the team by example to deliver desired results.


Lawrence,  fourth among six children of Christine and Isaac Alva from Moodubelle parish; moved out of Belle in 1972 after completing his 7th standard in the Primary School.  He is currently settled in Hyderabad but working in Muscat.





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Comments on this Article
Prabhakar Shetty, Mumbai Fri, December-20-2013, 11:55
Thanks Mr.Lawrence Alva for sharing your views, Yes this school has played a big role in shaping lives of children when educational opportunities were very rare. We are thankful to the Teachers and Management for giving us this school in Moodubelle
Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain Fri, December-20-2013, 11:38
Primary education has specific goals that make it an exceedingly important component of an educational system as a whole. Quality education is very important in life and gives a good knowledge which we don t know at that stage of our school life. The most important part of the education process and this is particularly so at primary level, is the relationship between the class teacher, other faculty and the children in the class. So, I would say, the influence they have during these formative years on every student s life will have a profound effect on their skills, attitude and abilities later in life. Good one! Mr. Lawrence Alva, you are absolutely right to express that this particular 100 years old Institute has shaped many a lives and those were true teachers with great commitment and dedication to their profession. We are the beneficiaries of their hard work.
Benedict Noronha, Udupi / India Fri, December-20-2013, 8:46
The vivid memories of Mr Alva narrated abpve are indeed wonderful I am sorry I am not a student of this great Primary school. I joined at 6th standard fro Pambur school.this school students have reached great heights in life in almost all fieds known to History, be it religious, social defence and say any other vocation or calling. It is blessings from above and pf late some notorious comments ahve also been heard about the students, which is very bad. While I join the compliments of mr Lawrence alva I request that the glory of this great school be raised to greater heights. Let each and every student and teacher work and involve without prejudice, pride and such negative waves of human life. May God Bless all concerned on this centenary eventging to be celebrated.
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