Bahrain: Bellevision – Bahrain organizes Memorable Talent Competition for Children

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Bellevision Media Network

Manama/Bahrain, 2 Nov 2013: Once Late Pope John Paul II had quoted, ‘Talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.’


Bellevision Bahrain Children had so much fun as they participated in activities that highlighted this year’s Bellevision Children’s talent’s day celebration here recently. Children showed their artistic skills as they tried to outdo each other by displaying their various talents.


It was a great pleasure to see kids from age 1-year to 14 years performing in-front of huge gathering in various categories, which was compered by event co-ordinator Stevan Lobo.


Joel D’Sa welcomed the gathering and invited charming handsome young hosts Aston Castelino and Sherwin D’Sa who did a great job making sure kids were on time on the stage to perform their talents.



Baptist Sequeira in his president address said, ‘Creativity is natural part of childhood and Bellevision  can play an important role in exploring it; however, children need to be encouraged and guided. They need opportunities to discover their abilities. Recognizing that children are the future,’ said Baptist.   The primary objective is to make a platform available to children to exhibit their creativity, innovativeness they posses . While concluding he stressed the importance in encouraging children to bring out their hidden talents which will contribute in future to build up confidence.


The competitions held on that day were: dance, fancy dress, toddlers show, elocution, and singing. Earlier, an art competition was held a few days ago.


All the participants were awarded certificates and trophies.


Winners list:

Art competition of sub-junior 3 years to 6 years - Alisha Ruth Quadros (first), Ryona Alva (second) and Rochelle Mendonca (third).


Art competition junior 6 years to 11 years – Shanelle Mendonca (first), Steesha Nicole D’Sa (second) and Shonith D’Souza (third).


Art competition senior 11 years to 14 years – Ashton Castelino (first), Rachel D’Costa (second ) and Jovita D’Sa (third ).


Dance competition junior 4 years to 9 years – Beula Sequeira (first), Nikitha Fernandes (second) and Khushi Shetty (third).


Dance competition senior 9 years to 14 years – Ashel Castelino (first), Shanelle Mendonca (second) and Jovita D’Sa (third).


Toddler show up to 4 years – Ries Nathan D’Souza (first), Simone Quadros (second) and Russel Sam D’Souza (third).


Fancy dress competition - sub-junior from 4 years to 6 years – Delisha Fernandes (first), Alisha Ruth Quadros (second) and Shishir Shetty (third).


Fancy dresses competition junior 6 years to 10 years – Beula Sequeira (first), Nikitha Fernandes (second) and Elroy Mendonca (third).


Elocution competition junior from 4 years to 10 years – Elroy Mendonca (first), Steesha Nicole D’Sa (second ) and Erina Merissa Fernandes (third).


Elocution competition senior 10 years to 14 years – Jovita D’Sa (first), Crishelle Sophia D’Souza (second) and Jason Adrian Lobo (third).


Singing competition junior 4 years to 9 years – Nikitha Fernandes (first), Riyona Alva (second) and Delisha Fernandes (third).


Singing competition senior 9 years to 14 years – Ashel Castelino (first), Jovita D’Sa (second) and Jason Adrian Lobo (third).


Ashel Castellino was awarded Young Champion – 2013 who scored highest  points.


Priya Mascarenhas,  Mini Roy and Vinita Mathur were the jurors, while the renowned juror Bhupendar was the juror of drawing competitions.


Gifts hampers were sponsored by Edward D’Sa in all categories.


Snacks and refreshments were sponsored by Victor D’ Almeida, Navin Mendonca(BAPCO) and Walter Lobo were served between intervals. The event concluded with a delicious buffet, while Veera Marits thanked all who supported this event. Ronald Fernandes captured the whole event in his lenses.  Daniel Pinto compered the event.


The team work put up by Belle Vision 2013 team and members ensured children day event was huge success in motivating children to exhibit their hidden talents.



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Comments on this Article
Lavita, Mangalore / Bahrain Tue, November-5-2013, 1:16
Hats off to everyone who was a part in organizing this event!!!! The children looked like they had a blast! Congratulations once again on pulling off such a wonderful event. I would like to get more updates on when another such event will take place as unfortunately, I had absolutely no idea about this one. Hope to see more such events in the near future! :)
bellevision member, bahrain Sun, November-3-2013, 1:05
Dear ronald kuwait, in bellevision bahrain we have a different tradition. when doing the work nobody thinks about their self or name, except few who work only for name sake. everybody sacrifice their time, money. i appreciate this year commitee and the main event organiser stevan lobo for remembering all the members and taking them to the stage to give away prizes to children. but last year only few people went on stage and some members being leaders did not think of committee members or sponsors to call to the stage. as you said in your comment photos expin the event, why again taking name of everybody? we do our programs to encourage and entertain bellevision bahrain people not to give the report to the world. let us work in the same spirit.
Baptist Sequeira, Belle/Bahrain Sat, November-2-2013, 11:39
This was in fact a very colorful event. This was happened by the great hardwork of many of our members. Particularly entire program was so systematically planned, executed by Mr. Stevan Lobo with the guidance of Veera Teacher, Joel D sa and Raymond Kishore and our ex-comm. I sincerely thank all of the members, parents and children and the sponsors,judges who made this event a successful one.
Ronald, M lore, Kuwait Sat, November-2-2013, 11:36
Welldone Bellevision, Bahrain nice to see children showcasing their talents. Kudoos to Bellevision, Bahrain for giving a platform to for these kids to show their talents. without the hard work of few dedicated members these programs can t be executed. It is necessary to highlight those people in the report as this will motivate them further to give their selfless service to the association. People around the globe read these reports and understand the commitment these people have. recognizing the hard work is the need of the hour in this fast selfish world. Hats off to all the Bellevision, Bahrain the look of the foto coverage the program is a very successful event, hope to see more in the coming future.
David, M lore/Saudi Sat, November-2-2013, 2:06

MABROOK Congratulations. Dedication and hard work of Bellevision-Bahrain is commendable. Generally our Mangalorian reports are filled with so many members names, it looks like less report but few members who look for their names to appear for publicity. You guys have over come keeping it brief,just to the point. I am sure this event would not have success without effort of many.This realy shows they do not work or look for names. Wish other Mangalorian events follow BelleVision Bahrain report covering only important name not every ones. Thank you I remembered my childhood days.

Alfreeda Arun, Belle/Bahrain Sat, November-2-2013, 1:44
Bellevision Childrens Day which was held on 24/10/2013.Congratulations to all the winners and the participants,great effort by all the parents.Many people worked together to make this event very successful ,thank you Rony Fernandes for your beautiful pictures.Hats of to Bellevision Bahrain team.
Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle/Bahrain Sat, November-2-2013, 7:31
Bellevision Bahrain children s Talent s day event 2013 photographs are superb! I am sure a memorable day for the children s and their parents as well. Congratulations! to all those talented children of all age group who have participated and the winners too! Kudos! to BV Bahrain Exe. Committee and members alike, keep up the good work and best of Luck for next upcoming event!
Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle Sat, November-2-2013, 7:20
Congratulations Bellevision-Bahrain Team ably led by its President Baptist Sequeira for organizing Bellevision Children s Talents Day. It is really heartening to see so many children participating in various talent competitions and their supportive parents. The report and pictures are excellent.
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