St. Lawrence Ward members celebrate the feast of their Patron Saint

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By Eugene Moodubelle
Pictures by Anil Alva
Bellevision Media Network

Moodubeelle, 08 August 2011:  The newly constituted St. Lawrence Ward celebrated the feast of their patron saint on Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 6.30 pm at the residence of Mark D’Souza, Kandiga. The ward members had offered the thanksgiving Mass on Saturday, August 6, 2011 and the ward get-together was held in the Sunday evening. It was in the beginning of this year, that the St. Thomas I Ward comprising of 49 families was split into two-St. Thomas I  and  the newly constituted Ward with 30 families was named as St. Lawrence Ward.  Mrs. Anita Alva, who was originally the Gurkarn of St. Thomas I Ward became the Gurkarn of the St. Lawrence Ward.


This was the first Ward Feast of St. Lawrence Ward which was attended by majority members  from the ward. Fr. Joswey Fernandes, Parish Priest of Moodubelle, Fr. Lancy Saldanha, Assistant Parish priest, Fr. Paul Sequeira, Principal of St. Lawrence Composite PU College, Sr. Vineetha, Superior of the Loreto Convent,  Sr. Davidika and Stany D’Souza, Gurkar  of St. Thomas I ward attended the function as  guests of honour.


The programme began with a group of children singing the hymn ‘Showers of Blessings...” followed by the welcome address by Mrs. Anita Alva, the Gurkarn of the ward.  Thereafter, Kum. Neeta D’Souza read out the report of the activities undertaken by the ward.


As one of the significant part of the programme, all those ward members above 70 years of age were honoured by Fr. Joswey Fernandes by offering them shawl, roses and memento in the form of  the framed picture of St. Lawrence. Elviira Pinto briefly introduced the elders to be honoured. These honoured elders included:  Mary D’Souza (88), Lawrence D’Souza (72), Angeline Lobo (84), John D’Souza (71), Mercin D’Souza (84), Leo D’Souza (70), Magdalene D’Souza (76), Cyprian D’Souza (70) and Santan Nornha (74). 

Those members of the ward whose birthday is being celebrated in the month of August were also felicitated by Fr. Lancy Saldanha by offering them roses. Two newly married brides from the ward were also honoured by Fr. lancy Saldanha.


Speaking at this occasion, Fr. Paul Sequeira, Fr. Lancy Saldanha and Sr. Vineetha complimented the ward members, especially Mrs. Anita Alva, the Gurkarn for organizing the Ward Feast in a planned manner and extended the warm greetings of the  feast to each and every member of the ward.


The children as well as adults presented variety entertainment items which regaled the audience. The children also presented a dance item.


In his presidential address, Fr. Joswey Fernandes said that he was quite pleased to attend the function along with other priests of the parish and pointed out that the programme was the best example of the effective functioning of the Small Christian Communities (SCC) at the ward level in the parish. He further said that such functions provide an opportunity for the ward members to come together and work  in cooperation by cooking for the feast meal and manifest their talents and provided a platform for the children and youth to manifest their various talents.


The entire programme was compeered by  Kum. Sara D’Souza and Kum. Joslyn Dias and the vote of thanks was proposed by Rohan D’Souza. 


Fr. Paul Sequeira recited the  grace before the meal and all the memebrs particiated in the community meal that was prepared by the ward members themselves.


The entire programme was meticulously organised and was started and ended in time keeping in mind  the rainy season and night time so that the ward members could reach their homes safely. The leadership of the Gurkarn-Mrs. Annie Alva and the cooperation of the ward members was quite exemplary. 



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Comments on this Article
Joy lobo, Moodubelle/Mangalore Mon, August-8-2011, 8:23

It is very pleasure to read the news about our newly formed ward. Congratulation to our beloved gurkarn Mrs. Anitha Alva, and also best wishes to all the elders who had been honoured,May God grant them good health, and happiness. Wishing all the ward members a very happy feast... May our Patron St. Lawrence shower his blessings on all of them. Thanks to Dr. Eugine for his nice report.

AnithaD Souza, Moodubelle/Sharjah Mon, August-8-2011, 4:05
Congratulations to all the members of the ward along with gurkarn Anni.Wishing you all the best and happy feast of St.Lawrence, our patron Saint. Thanks for the pictures and quick report.
Godwin, Moodubelle/Dubai Mon, August-8-2011, 3:48
Congratulations to St Lawrence ward members on occasion of the feast of Patron Saint. Looks like it was a well planned and executed event. Keep up the spirit and unity.
Priya Castelino, Moodubelle/Shankerpura Mon, August-8-2011, 2:23
Congratulations to gurkarn Anita Alva and all the members of the ward. Wishing you all a happy feast. May the Patron St. Lawrence bless us all. Thanks to Dr. Eugene for his quick and wonderful report.
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