BSY says BJP leaders in touch with him on his return

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Bangalore, 11 July 2013, (PTI): Former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa today indicated he is not averse to return to BJP as he admitted publicly for the first time that he and some senior national BJP leaders had discussed his homecoming.


The former BJP strongman and Karnataka Janatha Paksha chief, however, said he would take an "appropriate decision at the appropriate time".


"I have already received many such types of communication from BJP President Rajnath Singh and other senior leaders (on his return). I haven’t come to any decision. I will discuss it with my colleagues and arrive at a decision."


Moves are on for the past few weeks within a section of BJP and KJP for the return of Yeddyurappa, whose party secured 10 per cent vote share in the Assembly polls which saw BJP’s rout and installation of Congress government.


On reported insistence of BJP leaders that he take the initiative, he said "The question of who makes the first move does not arise." Asked whether he would be happy to rejoin BJP, Yeddyurappa said, "I have not come to any decision."


Yeddyurappa said he has no personal opinion on the issue as he represents a party. "I have not received any formal or official communication from the BJP on my return."


Asked if wants to repeat the performance of BJP which won 18 of the 28 Lok Sabha seats from Karnataka in the last polls, he said, "Wait and see. Lok Sabha elections are going to take place. We will see how other parties react. We will take a decision at an appropriate time."


Yeddyurappa said the question of aligning with any other party does not arise and KJP wants to keep its separate identity. "After all, we have secured more than ten per cent of votes(in the May five assembly polls)," he argued.


There is also no question of joining Congress, he said.


On Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s elevation as the campaign committee chief, Yeddyurappa said he is the "tallest" leader and about 60 per cent of the people appreciate his leadership.


"Not only Yeddyurappa, people all across the country want to see him as the Prime Minister," he said.



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