Depressed mom kills kids, commits suicide

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Bellevision Media Network

Mangalore, 15 October 2011: A mother ended her life after killing her two children at Bellarampady village of Ubaradka in Sullia taluk on Friday.



Sharmila Bhat (29), wife of Padmanabha Bhat of Kanyana, is said to have thrown her eight-month-old daughter Sneha and seven-year-old son Sudhanva into the pond in her father’s farm in Bellarampady and later jumped into it as well.


Police said that the four-member family of Padmanabha were staying in Sharmila’s father’s house in Bellarampady from October 12. Padmbanabha had left for Kanyana on Friday morning.


The mother and children were in the farm when Sharmila’s mother was engaged in work. However, Sharmila’s mother returned home early leaving mother and children on the farm. When they did not return home, the parents started searching and finally they traced the bodies in the lake at around 12.45pm, police sources added.


According to police, there were no family issues that could have forced Sharmila to take such an extreme step. She was in good terms with her husband and relatives. They do not suspect any foul play, police said adding that Sharmila was suffering from post-natal depression after her second delivery.



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