Home remedies for cough and cold



16 Jan 2012: With winter, cough and common cold are the health problems one will suffer and as the cold wave almost hitting the country, this health obstacle is very obvious.


And it is not advisable to depend on allopathic everytime as side-effects to those medicines cannot be neglected. Instead, try some home remedies that are good and quick enough to cure it and there are no side effects to these remedies! Here are few handy tips coming straight from kitchen:


1. Gargle with hot water by adding a pinch of salt into it, it helps in curing the sore throat.

2. Keep drinking hot drinks like coffee and tea or simply luke warm water.

3. Add turmeric powder, ginger powder and a teaspoon of honey to warm milk. This not only helps in curing cough but also relieves from bodyache, cold and headache.

4. For cold, steam inhalation is the best home remedy.

5. While preparing your tea, add few tulsi leaves and crushed ginger to it along with black pepper, it is much relief for cough and cold.

6. One who is susceptible to cough and cold should consume Chavanprash (it is the best ayurvedic tonic for winter) or amla murrabba as it comprises high content of Vitamin C which helps one develop a strong immunity against cough and cold.



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