Get Rid of Vertigo Now



02 Dec 2014: Vertigo is something that you might be suffering from, even without knowing about it. This is the feeling of dizziness that you sometimes get, which makes you think that the room you are in is spinning. It can make you feel light-headed, causing problems in walking and even standing.


Here are three natural remedies of treating Vertigo.


1. Cold Water

Some people are known to treat their vertigo by drinking two glasses of ice-cold water. The next time you have a bout of Vertigo, try this simplest trick to see if it works for you.


2. Ginger Tea

If cold water doesn’t help you, take ginger tea as ginger is known to treat dizziness. For making ginger tea, add 1/2 inch piece of ginger root to a cup of water in a pan and boil it for 5 minutes.


3. Pumpkin Seed and Almonds

Take 8-10 almonds, a few pumpkin seeds, 2 cloves, 3 tablespoons of wheat, and a cup of milk. Combine the almonds, pumpkin seeds, and wheat and soak them in water overnight. Grind them and add two cloves before mixing it well. Now add milk to the paste and boil the solution for 5 minutes. You can drink this for as many times as you want if you are having too many fits of vertigo in a day.



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