Taking vitamin pills without prescription?



01 Apr 2014: Is consumption of vitamin pills without having a medical practitioner’s prescription healthy? Here’s a quick guide


It is a very usual habit of people to take up vitamin pills to make up for the nutritional balance in our diet. But, how safe is it? People are used to take multi-vitamin tablets as it is considered very fancy—though they don’t realise it can lead to harmful side effects like hypo-vitaminia or other hazardous symptoms. It is highly advisable to stick to natural sources of vitamins within diets rather than taking up pills as certain vitamins when on overdose are not good for body.


It is just at certain specialized cases where doctors prescribe multi-vitamin tablets with a specific dose to meet the body requirements. In case of multi-vitamin pills, one should not take them without diagnosing the vitamin deficiency. In case deficiency is diagnosed by doctor—one shouldn’t take more than ten vitamin/multi-vitamin tablets in a month that are prescribed.


Advisors say it is harmful to take medicines without prescription. Most of medicines have some or the other side-effects so it is recommended to take medicines under a doctor’s advice or prescription. Although, when it comes to vitamin pills, few of them are water soluble that bypass the body system without harming much but, the oil-soluble ones retain in the body fats and are harmful. It is safer to take prescribed allopathic medicines for even minor health problems. Chemists should take care of not selling any drugs without prescriptions.


Health should not to be tampered, discontinue the habit of consuming vitamin pills to lead a healthy life. Remember to keep your doctor in loop as a health troubleshooter for you over pills!



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