Health benefits of a carrot



07 Jul 2013 (TOI): Your granny wasn’t kidding when she nagged you to eat carrots for healthy eyes.


While carrots are good for your eyes, they also promote healthy skin, delay ageing and even prevent cancer. Initially used as medicine, carrots are commonly found in orange colour. But they are also available in yellow, red, white and purple hues.


-Several studies show that certain properties in carrots help reduce the risk of lung, breast and colon cancer.


-The beta-carotene in carrots is converted to vitamin A in the liver, which is then transformed in your retina, to rhodopsin — a pigment that improves night vision. Beta-carotene is also known to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts.


-Carrots help slow down the ageing of cells and also work as an antioxidant.


-Want to improve the quality of your skin? The vitamin A present in carrots protects your skin from sun damage and even prevents premature pigmentation, wrinkling, dry skin, acne and uneven skin tone.


-You can also use boiled or mashed carrots on cuts and bruises to prevent infection.



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