A-Z of superfoods for weight loss


20 Jan 2013 (Daily Mirror): Take inspiration from this list of nutritious and delicious superfree foods and watch the pounds drop off without sacrificing on taste.


According to the British Nutrition Foundation, eating fruits and vegetables, which are low in energy density (i.e they provide fewer calories per gram) has been shown not to just help lose weight but also to keep it off long term.


This means you can eat as much of them as you fancy without having to weigh, count or measure them. Dr Jacquie Lavin, Head of Nutrition and Research at a slimming centre, reveals, "By filling one third of your plate with ’Superfree’ foods (most fruit and vegetables) and making them your first choice between meals, you’ll satisfy your appetite without feeling guilty and naturally limit your energy intake without counting a single calorie. It’s a great way to enjoy a really healthy diet while making your weight loss easy."


Ais for apple, which contains slow-acting sugars to keep you fuller longer. Bis for blueberries, rich in healthy compounds, said to help prevent obesity. Cis for carrots. Natural sugars make them sweet. Cook whole before chopping. Dis for damsons that belong to the plum family and lower blood cholesterol levels. Eis for eggplant or aubergines, they contain dietary fibre, helping digestion. Fis for figs, which are high in cholesterol-lowering pectin and a source of calcium. Gis for grapes, said to do wonders for high blood pressure and cholesterol. His for Hubbard squash, great for healthy skin and good immunity. Iis for iceberg lettuce — its high water content makes it low in energy density. Jis for jalapeno peppers. Nutritious and spicy, they give zing to recipes. Kis for kiwi. Virtually fat-free and even richer in Vitamin C than oranges. Lis for leek. The Ancient Greeks and Romans said leeks were therapeutic.


Mis for melon, which contains an enzyme that reduces stress. Nis for nectarines. One large nectarine provides your whole day’s Vitamin C. Ois for onions. Experts say just two or three a week can help your health. Pis for peppers, with three times the Vitamin C of citrus fruits. Qis for quince, related to apples and pears. Ris for raspberries. Ask your local vendor to get you some. Sis for strawberries. Absolutely jampacked with Vitamin C. Tis for tomatoes. The red colour comes from super healthy antioxidant lycopene. Uis for ugli fruit. Exotic hybrid of grapefruit, orange and tangerine. Vis for vine leaves. Fantastic source of iron to boost your energy levels. Wis for watercress. High in Vitamin B to improve mental function. Xis for Xigua (watermelon). Refreshing on a summer’s day. Yis for yellow plums. All types of plums are packed with goodness. Zis for zucchini. They’re 90% water and low in calories.



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