Telangana report likely to be submitted today

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New Delhi, 30 December 2010: The five-member Justice Srikrishna committee, which was constituted to asses the possibility of carving a separate state of Telangana out of Andhra Pradesh, is expected to submit its report to the Ministry of Home Affairs Thursday.

As per report, the 800-page document will be formally signed by the committee members in a small ceremony and then be handed over to the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram.

It has been reported that Srikrishna committee has so far avoided making any recommendations in favour or against the creation of a separate state but it has given some suggestion to Centre with several options with their ‘pros and cons" on the issue of statehood.

It may be noted that the report will be handed over to the Home Ministry a day before the term of the Srikrishna committee expires on December 31.

As the people of Andhra Pradesh and the sympathisers of the Telangana movement await with bated breath the release of the Srikrishna committee report, Prime Minister Mamnohan Singh yesterday held crucial discussions with senior cabinet colleagues the situation that may emerge in the polarised Andhra Pradesh and the steps to deal with it.

The meeting deliberated on various scenarios expected after the submission of the report by the five-member Justice Srikrishna Committee which may or may not recommend carving out of Telangana state from Andhra Pradesh.

The possibility of violence breaking out in either case was also discussed at the meeting which was attended by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Minister A K Antony, Home Minister P Chidambaram and Law Minister M Veerappa Moily besides senior government officials.

Chidambaram is also understood to have briefed the meeting about the steps being taken by the Home Ministry, including sending 5,000 central paramilitary force personnel and keeping some more in standby to be deployed in case of any emergency situation.

After submission of the report, the government is expected to come out with a statement, saying that while it is committed to separate Telangana statehood, the "objections or problems" needed to be resolved through consultations and dialogue with people from all regions of Andhra Pradesh before the process of state formation could be taken forward.

The centre is also expected to appeal to all sections to allow consultations and dialogue to take place in a friendly and peaceful manner.

The Committee was constituted by the Centre on February 3 to look into the demands for the creation of a separate state as well as keeping Andhra Pradesh united.

Meanwhile, Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni met Chidambaram and discussed the advisory issued by the News Broadcasters Association (NBA) asking news channels to be "sensitive" while covering the release of the Srikrishna Committee report.



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