Manmohan to discuss visa concerns with Obama

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New Delhi, 15 October 2010: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will raise with President Barack Obama next month concerns over the recent U.S. decisions on visa rules and outsourcing amid hopes that these would not affect the rapidly growing bilateral ties. Stating this here on Friday, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna also allayed apprehensions in the US over the Nuclear Liability law, asserting that it would not affect interests of American companies but rather provide a level-playing field to firms from various countries.


The nuclear issue as also the growing Chinese assertiveness will also figure in the wide-ranging discussions that Singh will have with Obama during his five-day visit to India from November 5. “The nuclear deal (between India and the US) was one of the biggest things that happened around which a number of issues are revolving,” Mr. Krishna told a group of journalists.


Talking about Mr. Obama’s visit and the expected agenda of talks, he said Indian IT companies have expressed reservations over recent US decisions on outsourcing and tightening of visa rules for Indians. “Certainly, these issues will come up in discussions,” the External Affairs Minister said.



He, however, added that the complementarities and commonalities between India and the US were “so decisive” that “different perceptions” on some issues would not affect the ties. The US has lately tightened visa rules for Indians and unveiled policies that discourage outsourcing, a sector in which India is a huge beneficiary.


Asked whether growing Chinese assertiveness would also figure in the talks between Dr. Singh and Mr. Obama, Mr. Krishna said it would be one of the issues as China is “an important factor” in the global matters. “We will exchange notes on China to see what their (US) approach is and what is our approach (on China),” he said.



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