Aamir rejects allegations of forcibly vacating flats in Mumbai

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Mumbai, Mar 21, 2014 (PTI): Bollywood star Aamir Khan today rejected allegations of misconduct and pressure tactics in connection with a redevelopment plan for his Pali Hill housing society amid claims that the members were being forced by him to sell their property.


A mother and daughter, residents of the same society where Aamir lived sometime back, alleged that the society’s managing committee was misleading homeowners and pressuring them to sell their property to the ’Dhoom 3’ star.


However, the spokesperson of 49-year-old actor has denied the allegations.


"We would like to clarify on behalf of our client Mr Aamir Khan that he denies all allegations regarding him putting any pressure on his society to go in for redevelopment.


The fact is Mr Khan left the building more than a year ago, after an incident of a slab of concrete falling on the head of one of the members, resulting in the member being hospitalised," the spokesman said in a statement.


"Mr Khan strongly denies any allegations of pressure tactics or misconduct on his part, and takes strong exception to attempts being made to defame him," it said.


The statement further clarified that, in absence of Khan, the society had several meetings and discussions, regarding redevelopment. The general body passed a resolution with 80 per cent majority members voting in favour of redevelopment.


Thereafter, the society made a request in writing to Khan to make an offer. The actor gave the matter due thought and made an offer. In his offer letter, he also suggested the society to invite other offers to ensure best value for the society and its members.



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