Srininivasan should step down: Scindia

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New Delhi, 28 May 2013 (PTI): Senior BCCI functionary Jyotiraditya Scindia today called for N Srinivasan’s resgination as President in the wake of the arrest of his son-in-law on charges of betting, saying he should step down to avoid a conflict of interest in the investigation.


Scindia, the Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association President and Chairman of BCCI’s Finance Committee, said that propriety demands that Srinivasan steps down till the case of his son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan is finally decided.


"From my point of view, not for a second am I assuming that anybody is guilty.


Having said that, in the interest of propriety and in interest of the game at this point of time when there is a question mark surrounding an individual, surrounding the team (CSK) and surrounding the manager of that team who happens to be a family member, I believe in all sense of the word propriety that Mr Srinivasan must step aside," Scindia said.


"If you consider the conflict of interest he is in as one of his family members is alleged of wrongdoing, then propriety demands that he should step aside. I would have done the same had I been in his place. Willy-nilly we are responsible for the wrongdoing of our family members to some extent. Example has to be set from the top," he told reporters.


He said Srinivasan can be re-instated if Gurunath is absolved of the charges of betting in the IPL after investigation.


"Let the inquiry take place and in the event that he is completely clear, certainly be reinstated. But at this time when cricket needs to be cleansed and when there is a question mark at the top, it would be in the interest of the game that Srinivasan steps aside.


"I don’t feel somebody is responsible or not. But if there is a question mark or question raised against a family member of an individual. Till the time that individual’s name is not cleared, he should step aside," said Scindia.



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