JD(U) upset over big role for Modi

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  • Sinha pitches for Gujarat CM as PM


New Delhi/Patna, 29 Jan 2013 (DHNS): The Janata Dal (U) is upset over the possibility of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) giving Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi a crucial role in national politics.


JD(U) leaders, however, have taken a cautious approach to developments in the BJP including Modi’s meeting with BJP chief Rajnath Singh and the statement of former finance minister Yashwant Sinha supporting Modi as the prime ministerial candidate.


Earlier in the day, Sinha pitched for Modi as the party’s prime ministerial candidate, claiming this will have a huge electoral benefit.


“A debate has been taking place for many days now. When I travel, there is a strong demand from common people and workers that Narendra Modi should be declared as the PM candidate as this will benefit the party.


After careful thought, I have concluded that if BJP declares Modi as its PM candidate, then BJP will benefit hugely in the elections. It will have a big impact on voters. I have no doubt on this,” he said.


“This is not an official reaction of the BJP. This man (Yashwant) himself wanted to be a BJP prime ministerial candidate till last year. Hence, we need not react to such individual comments... there is no need to reiterate our stand every now and then,” said Shivanand Tiwary, JD(U) Rajya Sabha member and party’s national spokesman.


On Sinha’s statement that those who want to leave the NDA can do so, Tiwary said Sinha is not their “adviser”.


“We have not appointed Yashwant as our adviser who will give us unnecessary suggestions about what to do and what not to do.”


But, it has become clear that the recent developments have sparked off a serious debate in the JD(U) for options, if it decides to leave the National Democratic Alliance (NDA).


Party sources claim that JD(U) leader and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had anticipated that Modi would eventually be projected as the most important leader of BJP in 2014 elections. “That is why Nitish Kumar has, of late, abandoned condemning the Congress and the UPA government. After all, we do not have many choices,” a senior party leader told.


Indications of Nitish going soft towards the Congress also came in during the last meeting of National Development Council when he chose not to attack the UPA government.


There are other indications too. Senior party leader Shivanand Tiwari recently attacked the RSS chief by equating him with Akbaruddin Owaisi.


Party sources said Congress is also reciprocating. They say that a liberal economic package from the Planning Commission for Bihar is in the offing.


“We know that he (Modi) will be at the helm of affairs during 2014 elections even if he is not declared a prime ministerial candidate.


Former finance minister Yashwant Sinha’s view on declaring Modi as the PM candidate is not an isolated one. So, we will have to look for other options,” said another party functionary.


“BJP cadres across the country are in favour of projecting Modi. The leadership cannot ignore it,” said the JD(U) functionary.


According to party sources, JD(U) chief and NDA convener Sharad Yadav is also not ready to make any compromise on Modi despite the fact that Yadav wants the alliance to continue.


The most important task before JD(U), however, would be to save its coalition government in Bihar which stands on the support of BJP. So, it may, at least for now, avoid any confrontation.



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