Mumbai blasts: cop ignored tip-off, suspended

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New Delhi, 18 July 2011: The Maharashtra ATS said on Sunday it is very close to finalising the sketch of one of the suspects and is scanning CCTV footage with the help of eyewitnesses.


Meanwhile, Prabhakar Bagrao, a constable who allegedly ignored a tip-off by a Kurla resident about a terror plot has been suspended for dereliction of duty. Sources say many Indian Mujahideen (IM) operatives are being questioned now.


A team of Maharashtra police is also camping in Ahmedabad to question some IM operatives arrested in connection with the Ahmedabad serial blasts of 2008, including Danish Riaz.


Central agencies believe there are closer similarities between Pune blast and their needle of suspicion is principally on the Bhatkal brothers.


Intelligence had intercepted some calls from Hyderabad which spoke about regrouping and planning something major. ATS has sought help of the West Bengal Special Task Force to locate Abdullaah and another man, both alleged IM operative, who apparently went missing just days before Wednesday’s serial blasts.


ATS has also sought railway passengers’ list of the Kolkata-Mumbai route of eight days prior to the blasts. Till the time this massive multi-agency probe across the nation is not over, the officials have refused to announce which group could be behind these blasts, they have not even ruled out the possibility of a Mumbai underworld hand.



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