Ramdev takes 2-hour break to talk to govt

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New Delhi, 04 June 2011: Baba Ramdev has taken a two-hour break to discuss issues with Government representatives over his demands for repatriation of black money stashed away abroad and strict action against those accused of corruption with thousands of his followers. Ramdev told his supporters at Delhi’s Ramlila Ground on Saturday afternoon that the Government should give in writing what it can give and take constitutional steps in those cases where they are required.


"We agreed on some issues yesterday (Friday). On some issues partial consensus was arrived at. Till 100 per cent consensus is reached, we will continue our protest," Ramdev announced.


After a two-hour yoga practice and ’bhajan’ session that started early Saturday morning, Ramdev began the fast along with thousands of his followers at the Ramlila Maidan where he was joined by Sangh Parivar’s firebrand leader Sadhvi Ritambhara and leaders from Sikh, Jain and Muslim communities.



His demands include promulgation of an ordinance to bring back black money from abroad, enacting a law for capital punishment for corrupt people and confiscation of ill-gotten wealth.


Before launching the fast, Ramdev told his cheering supporters during the yoga session that the protest was intended to save the country from corruption and ensure that the poor get a good life.


"Nothing is impossible, everything is possible and we are not going to be defeated," the saffron-robed Baba seated on an elevated platform on the dais, told the gathering, referring to bringing back of black money stashed in tax havens abroad.



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