PM calls high-level meeting on Karnataka crisis

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New Delhi, 16 May 2011: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday called a high-level meeting at his residence to discuss the Karnataka crisis.


The meeting is being attended by his important colleagues SM Krishna,  P Chidambaram, Pranab Mukherjee and AK Antony. Earlier today, the Home Ministry examined the report of Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj recommending dismissal of the Yeddyurappa ministry and imposition of President’s Rule in the wake of Supreme Court quashing the disqualification of 11 party rebel MLAs.


The Governor, who has been having a troubled relationship with the Karnataka Government, sent a "special" report to the Centre on Sunday recommending a spell of President’s Rule and for keeping the Assembly in suspended animation.


Reacting to the reports, Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa on Monday said the action amounted to an "affront" to the pride of the people of the state and the mandate given to BJP.


"The Congress bosses in Delhi are using the Governor to commit anti-constitutional acts. I will not allow the murder of democracy," he told reporters here.


Yeddyurappa said, "the Governor’s action amounts to an affront to the pride of the people of Karnataka and also the mandate of people given to BJP".


The chief minister said that he along with his ministerial colleagues and MLAs will stage a dharna in front of Raj Bhavan at noon to protest Governor HR Bhardwaj’s decision to recommend dismissal of the BJP Government.


He also lashed out the Governor for declining to meet 10 BJP MLAs when they went to Raj Bhavan to submit their letters of support and described it as an "insult" to elected representatives.


"The Governor’s action in recommending dismissal of my government was anti-democratic as it enjoyed the support of 121 members," he said, adding, "Even now I am ready to prove my majority, if the Governor asks me".


He said he would also lead a delegation of MLAs and MPs to Delhi on Monday or tuesday to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to protest against the Governor’s action.


Yeddyurappa said the emergent cabinet meeting called this afternoon would take some important decisions.


The official residence of Yeddyurappa was abuzz with activity with ministers, MLAs and BJP leaders thronging it.



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