Hassan: BJP achieved No People’s Welfare, instead Served Prison Term; Rahul Gandhi

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By Srinivasa
Bellevision Media Network

Hassan, 02 May 2013: BJP led Karnataka state administration instead of engaged in people’s welfare, busy serving in prison, said AICC vice president Rahul Gandhi in criticizing BJP.

Addressing mega convention of Congress party activists at district stadium, here on Wednesday May 1, Rahul said the duty of government is to serve its people.  The BJP led state administration has done everything except the people’s service, added Rahul.  ‘I have not heard a Chief Minister has gone to jail on corruption charges in the history of our country,’ mocked Rahul.  BJP bagged championship in corruption, he mocked again.



Mining barons Reddys looted mining resources:

Reddy brothers looted the entire mining deposits after BJP came into rule in Karnataka.  BJP leaders are raising the issue of corruption during parliamentary session, why they don’t talk about corruption in Karnataka, questioned Rahul.  BJP that came into reign to work for the welfare of farmers is not in a position to provide podder and water to livestock.  It assured twenty-four-hour electricity supply that is now limited to a few hours.  It assured employment but not fulfilled it, thereby causing injustice to the people, said Rahul.

Transparent and stable government:  

The people Karnataka desperately seek change in regime, while the voters trust in Congress to give transparent and stable government.  The union government has introduced RTE Act to help the poor students to pursue free education, said Rahul.  ‘When I walked to a tap in district headquarter to wash my hands, no water came out of the tap when I turned on.  Is this the achievement of BJP, mocked Rahul.  He also urged the youth and women to join politics to give effective administration, urged Rahul.
Thousands of people attended the mega party convention, while the district police deployed special personnel to provide security during Rahul’s visit.

The local Congress leader S R Patil and others were present at the occasion.





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