Mangalore: Yeddyurappa leaves for Kerala after sacking two more ministers

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Mangalore, 07 October 2010: While the Karnataka Chief Minister opted to leave it to the hands of almighty by leaving for Kannur to visit the Rajarajeshwari temple, the BJP roped in senior leader Venkaiah Naidu to diffuse the crisis in the State.




Karnataka Chief Minister B. S. Yeddyurappa, whose government is facing a serious crisis following rebellion by a section of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLAs, on Thursday sacked two more dissident ministers.


Talking to reporters in Mangalore, Mr. Yeddyurappa said he had recommended to Governor H. R. Bharadwaj to drop Minister for Municipal Administration Balachandra Jarakihole and Minister for Fisheries Anand Asnotikar from the Cabinet.


With this, the number of dissident ministers dropped from the Cabinet since Wednesday, after 19 MLAs withdrew support to his Government, has risen to six.


However, Mr. Yeddyurappa chose not to drop dissident Excise Minister M. P. Renukacharya, who is spearheading the dissident group.


Later, Mr. Yeddyurappa left for Kannur district in Kerala to offer prayers at the Rajarajeshwari temple.


In another development, the BJP high command has deputed senior leader Venkaiah Naidu to defuse the crisis and save the tottering first-ever BJP government in the South.


The BJP government in the State has been rocked by the action of 19 MLAs —14 from the BJP and five Independents — who revolted against Mr. Yeddyurappa’s leadership dissatisfied with the recent Cabinet expansion and gave a letter to the Governor withdrawing support to him.


After the revolt, Mr. Yeddyurappa had met Mr. Bharadwaj and told him he was ready to face the trial of strength on October 11, one day ahead of the deadline set by the Governor for the 29-month-old government.



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