Lose weight with the Low GI diet


  • This popular, easy-to-follow diet could be your solution to the battle of the bulge, and avoid illnesses like diabetes and heart disease


22 Feb 2012: Today’s culture of quick snacking and calorie-rich ready-to-eat foods may save you time, but could prove costlier than you imagined. "It increases the incidence of obesity and risk of serious health conditions like diabetes, cardio-vascular disorders," says Mumbai-based consultant dietician and nutritionist Dr Shilpa Joshi. She suggests the Low GI diet, Low Glycemic Index, which has a number of international celebrity fans like singer Kylie Minogue and actress Sharon Stone. "The Glycemic Index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates based on their quality and the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating. According to this, the index ranks foods on an ascending scale of 1-100 by measuring the rate of release of sugar upon their consumption," she says.


All carbohydrate sources are classified into three general categories:


High glycemic index foods (GI 70 or above) that induce an immediate rise in blood sugar


Intermediate glycemic index foods (GI 55 - 69) that induce an average rise in blood sugar


Low glycemic index foods (GI 55 or below), that cause a relatively gradual rise in blood sugar.


Foods with a high GI value are those which are rapidly digested and absorbed and result in marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels. As they cause our blood sugar levels to dip below normal, these lead to more frequent hunger pangs. This could lead to excessive calorie intake and weight gain, possibly causing obesity.


"Low GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels. As these foods control your blood sugar levels, they regulate your hunger pangs and eating habits. Consumption of low GI foods also helps to prevent unnecessary snacking and excess calorie consumption," says Dr Joshi. This in turn can help you avoid serious conditions like obesity and cardio-vascular diseases. Sustained energy is an added plus.


If you like Indian food, Dr Joshi recommends sambhar, rajma, chana and usal. If you are fond of Italian and Asian cuisines, you’re in luck - pasta is also a low GI food, along with other Asian favourites like udon noodles and sushi.


Low GI Diet tips:

1. A Low GI breakfast is the best way to start the day as it improves attention span and memory. Oats, oat bran and toasted sugar free muesli are great picks with a side of milk or fruit. Oats being a good source of dietary fibre and protein can also be added to milkshakes, parathas or poha to increase the health quotient. Avoid cornflakes since they’re high GI.

2. Multigrain bread is the perfect way to shift to a low GI diet as it can be included in sandwiches, sides with soups, etc.

3. Grilled meat or fish during dinner is another low GI alternative along with your veggies. This will make for a full all-rounded meal, which can be made fun with different gravies and spices.

4. It is essential to ensure that one meal in your day is a Low GI one.

5. Snack bars are important to keep blood sugar levels steady in between meals. Along with these, nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashews and peanuts are also low in GI. Frozen low fat fruit desserts are safe bets.

6. Increase your intake of fruits like apples, cherries, plums, pears, peaches, grapes, oranges, strawberries, prunes and kiwi fruit, and vegetables such as peas, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, chillies, onions and sweet potatoes.



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Gracain, Mangalore Sat, May-19-2012, 7:00
Hi Ramzi this one help you
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