Diet that keeps you slim in winter



07 Jan 2012: Come winter and our eating habits suddenly go for a toss. We begin to love our parathas smeared with butter and our dals with an extra dollop of ghee. And nothing more divine than a plateful of samosas or pakoras to go with the evening tea.


But unfortunately, comfort foods are ever so fattening, add to that our lethargy to workout because it’s cold. We seem to throw all the calorie-counting of the summer months to the wind, and wolf down rich, greasy treats with relish. Let’s give eating-healthy another thought this winter and consciously include foods that’ll keep us snug and steady at the same time.


’Good morning’ with a hot cuppa

It takes a lot of effort to get out of your cosy bed and face the chilly, winter morning. All you need is a cup of hot tea or coffee to rouse you from the slumber. Here’s a tip to make the simple beverage a little exciting. Load your shelf with a variety of teas and an assortment of coffee flavours. This will actually make you look forward to a new taste of beverage everyday.


Healthy bites for breakfast

The best way to overcome cold is by having a hearty breakfast. Paranthas - both plain and stuffed - top the list of breakfast favourites in most households. Try avoiding the greasy bites and replace them with these healthier options below:
- Steamed Idlis
- Steamed Dhoklas
- Poha (Beaten rice)
- Cakes or tikkis made of makka (maize flour)
- Cakes or tikkis made of Bajra (pearl millet)

Chomp on dry fruits
Dry fruits make for great munchies but not all are good for your health. While you may nibble on a fist full of walnuts and almonds, try staying away from too much cashew nuts and pistachios. You could also include flaxseeds (alsi ke beej) in your cooking. They come from a fibre crop and aids digestion.

Snack on soup...the best 7pm break
Imagine returning home to a plate of crispy fries or assorted pakodas on a cold, winter evening. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Resist such temptations. If there is any evening snack that is yummy and healthy at the same time, it’s a bowl of soup. Take your pick from some options below and start slurping down hot, tasty spoonfuls.
- The good old tomato soup
- Creamy carrot soup
- Chicken noodle soup
- Wild mushroom soup
- Mixed bean and vegetable soup

It’s all in a fruit!
One fruit a day definitely keeps most ailments away. Seasonal fruits like oranges and Indian gooseberry (amla) are rich in Vitamin C and must be taken regularly to build immunity against common cold and other viral infections.

Sweet talkies
"What better than a bowl of ’garma garam halwa’ when the cold winds blow outside," asks Abhilash Pushpan, a PR professional whose love for food goes beyond the ordinary. His favourites are moong dal halwa, plain sooji halwa with lots of dry fruits, aate ka halwa, chana dal halwa and kaju halwa among others.

Dr Nidhi Sarin, a dietician at Fortis Hospital, New Delhi, agrees, "Homemade halwas are indeed the safest desserts you can opt for. You can not only control the amount of ’ghee’ that goes into it, but also serve up a sugar free version to the diabetic."

"Another thing that can be consumed to keep the body warm in winter is jaggery. Rich in iron and luscious in taste, it is a dinner favourite in most households", adds Dr. Sarin.

A drink keeps you warm - utter lie!
Whoever told you that alcohol keeps you warm on cold nights was blatantly lying. It’s a false belief, though it might temporary warm your body. Of course, it’s different if you’re at a party and must enjoy it on an occasion, but do not consume it under an impression that it would do you good. In fact, it will only add to the calorie count.

Water, water everywhere...
Ever wondered why your skin becomes flaky in the winter months? It’s simple logic. During winter, the air around you is dry and it extracts all the moisture from the body leaving you with chapped lips and a dry skin. And since you don’t perspire during winters, you become dehydrated unknowingly. Add to that our own forgetfulness. Do what it takes to keep your body hydrated - set an hourly alarm or keep a water bottle at arm’s length.

Dr Nidhi Sarin suggests the ideal winter diet
- Begin your day with a glass of water mixed with 1 tsp honey.
- Waking up: Herbal tea along with 1 cup of dry fruits (5 almonds and 3 walnuts)
- Breakfast: Soybean and bajra tikki with badam milk
- Mid-morning snack: Fruits, green salad (150gms/100gms)
- Lunch: Sarso saag with makka roti, plain curd and jaggery
- Tea time: Chicken soup with veggies, gobhi keema or poha
- Dinner: Matar ki roti with coriander chutney, aloo ki sabzi, moong dal halwa
- Bed time: 1 cup hot milk


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