Throw Shinde’s directive in dustbin, BJP tells its CMs

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Bangalore, Oct 7, 2013, (PTI): Accusing Congress of pursuing a "divisive agenda", BJP today asked its chief ministers to trash Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde’s directive that no innocent Muslim youth is wrongfully detained in the name of terror.

"...are you the Home Minister for the country or for one community. It is irresponsible, idiotic approach of the Government of India," senior BJP leader M Venkaiah Naidu told reporters here, attacking Shinde for defending his directive.

Naidu said the directive was against secularism and the Constitution and the approach should be that no innocent person should be arrested.

"Shinde has shamelessly defended the move. I am asking BJP chief ministers to throw it into the dustbin...," he said.


Naidu also flayed Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee President G. Parameshwara’s reported remark that it should not matter if Muslim beneficiaries did not repay loans and state Law Minister T B Jayachandra’s statement on proposed setting up of fast track courts to try cases involving minorities.

"The Congress is running away from discussing development and following a divisive agenda," Naidu said.

On the Telangana turmoil, he charged the Congress with treating the matter as if it was an internal party affair and dealing with a "sensitive issue" in an "irresponsible and immature manner."

Congress leader Digvijay Singh’s statements made without authority were "adding fuel to the fire," Naidu said, adding the Congress should keep its house in order by convincing its Chief Minister and ministers first.

Asked about TDP leader Chandrababu Naidu cosying up to the NDA, he said, "no proposal (has come) from any side. We are busy expanding."

Naidu announced that party’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi would address a rally in Bangalore on November 16, to be followed by eight other rallies across Karnataka.

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