Thousands celebrate Anna’s victory at India Gate

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New Delhi, 29 August 2011: The multitude of Anna Hazare supporters, who were with him at Ramlila Maidan here for the last 12 days, returned Sunday to the historic Indian Gate to celebrate their leader’s victory with the songs that they chanted during his fast for a stringent anti-graft law. This time, the sense of outrage against corruption was replaced by a sense of elation.


Amid drum beats and fluttering national flags, thousands of cheerful supporters shouted slogans and danced till late in the evening. Sitting near a signboard, 88-year-old K.P. Singh, a supporter, said: "This anti-corruption movement will herald a new era in the country. This is a movement of character and morals. And half of the battle is won."


"It is a sign of moral evolution in the country. The good days of the corrupt seem to be numbered," added another anti-corruption campaigner Prasad, who was happy to be a part of the "historical" celebration. Those who had converged at India Gate included people from all walks of life and ages. From a six-year-old to elderly, everybody seemed in a mood to enjoy.


A private band, Sohan Lal and Sons, played patriotic numbers on which many broke into a jig. "I always play from my heart but today it is special. This is for Annaji," said Mohammad Ayub, one of the band members. It was not only the supporters who were happy but there was a sense of elation among the police personnel too.


"I am also a human being. I feel happy seeing the crowd and more than that I am happy for the war Annaji waged against corruption. I hope the image of police will improve if Jan Lokpal bill is passed," said a policeman.


With the end of Hazare’s fast, some reporters also heaved a sigh of relief after hectic coverage of the agitation. "I want to hit the bed once the celebrations end," said a TV reporter.



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